COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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The totals now read

18 Aug = 0

17 Aug adds 7 (the most added to any date in one go since 23 July). Making a total of 7 after 2 days. This is the highest day two total for 15 days.

16 Aug adds 2 to = 2 after 3 days. Joint lowest 3 day total yet. In stark contrast to the 17th,

15 Aug adds 4 to = 7 after 4 days.

14 Aug adds 1 to = 4 after 5 days ....second lowest 5 day total.

So as you see only time will tell if this is a blip as day to day will go up and down always - or just catching up most of the weekend data in one go (quite possible) or this turns into a trend and numbers start to crawl up.

That is possible but I do not think we are at that point yet. Next few days will help decide.
Whilst your data is very welcome you do need a bit of context around some of your narrative. Without a vaccine there is absolutely no chance of you ever reporting that ‘today there were zero new cases’, so cases staying at around the same levels for about 2 months now, must be good news not sad news. More targeted testing of likely positive patients but still finding similar numbers is also good news. The absolute panic about people marching, out on beaches and even going to pubs is not translating into increases in cases nor, much more importantly, increases in deaths or hospitalisation even in the lockdown ‘hotspots’.

I don't HAVE a narrative. Not sure why you think I do.

Basically I just collate and post the data. If I comment around them I do so much as I just have above regarding the England death figures. To put them in context of up/down/trends etc. Not a reason why - though I may give some alternative options for what is happening (there is usually more than one) - which is always going to be part guesswork in the way the actual numbers usually are not.

I know some on here do have a point to prove or political argument to make. I dont. I react to events and say if I feel we are doing things wrong. But recognise this is an unprecedented global event and everyone is reacting to events and learning on the job.

So I stick by the numbers and whatever I think and may occasionally say is just a personal view of what is happening. No more or less valid than anyone else.

I really do not have a narrative. Other than optimism we will somehow get this right and we can reclaim some semblance of normality sooner rather than later. But that aspiration always has to be teamed with caution as the virus unfolds around us.
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I don't HAVE a narrative. Not sure why you think I do.

Basically I just collate and post the data. If I comment around them I do so much as I just have above regarding the England death figures. To put them in context of up/down/trends etc. Not a reason why - though I may give some alternative options for what is happening (there is usually more than one) - which is always going to be part guesswork in the way the actual numbers usually are not.

I know some on here do have a point to prove or political argument to make. I dont. I react to events and say if I feel we are doing things wrong. But recognise this is an unprecedented global event and everyone is reacting to events and learning on the job.

So I stick by the numbers and whatever I think and may occasionally say is just a personal view of what is happening. No more or less valid than anyone else.

I really do not have a narrative. Other than optimism we will somehow get this right and we can reclaim some semblance of normality sooner rather than later. But that aspiration always has to be teamed with caution as the virus unfolds around us.

You've done it brilliantly mate and much appreciated
good job 60 million didn’t do that when you were ill and needed a test.

it’s clear only people who have symptoms should request a test or frontline workers who need testing.

its irresponsible to suggest or advise people LIE to get a test , the result of which could or would have been a complete collapse in the system and people who genuinely needed a test would have been put Off by getting one due to the wait or the wait for the results, or worse not get one at all.

I recall you once criticising me by saying something like , I bet you are one of those people who haven’t been tested.

i did wonder what you meant. I know now.
totally irresponsible and I am glad the vast majority of the country are not abusing the system in the same way.
I wouldn't have said it months ago,i could but didn't for a reason dufus,everyone can get tested now,there is plenty in the allocated home and drive through sections of testing,nobody on the front line is supposed to send for a home test as explained to me by my pharmacy who said they all have to use the public health system as it is done a different way
You've done it brilliantly mate and much appreciated

An exaggeration I think. But thank you. I dont really have a political allegience. I can and do vote differently on the basis of key issues depending on who I think offers the best solution.

Possibly comes from being the first generation born with a right to vote. My grandmother had to fight for hers. My mother had it by the time she was old enough to vote but not at birth.

That focuses the mind in a way I think many of you simply might not appreciate.

Doesn't mean a lot as yet.

A strain in Singapore has been investigated and appear to be less dangerous. There are likely to be a number of these.

It may make vaccine development easier, but it doesn't necessarily make a difference to natural defence against the more dangerous strains - there probably isn't enough data yet to know about that.
An exaggeration I think. But thank you. I dont really have a political allegience. I can and do vote differently on the basis of key issues depending on who I think offers the best solution.

Possibly comes from being the first generation born with a right to vote. My grandmother had to fight for hers. My mother had it by the time she was old enough to vote but not at birth.

That focuses the mind in a way I think many of you simply might not appreciate.
No exaggeration, you are doing a great job with the facts. Thanks once again
Northern Ireland data. 0 deaths. 34 cases from 6505 tests - so just under 0.5 seven less than yesterday but 5 ore than last Wednesday. 4 patients in hospital/ None in ICU. Same as yesterday.
Wales data 0 deaths 21 new cases at just over 0.4% of tests, Last week it was 5 deaths and just 8 cases At 0.1%
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