COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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N Ireland, however, still going upwards and after being so low on all measures I never mentioned it for weeks on end seems to be now really in some trouble.

Cases 85 - at 1.2% - compared with 20 last Friday at 0,3%.

Moreover the rolling weekly average of cases is now at yet another high of 431. 6 weeks or so back it was 2 or 3 cases a day. Though they are doing more tests like everywhere so that has to be recalled.

Worse news is that patients back up to 17 (it was 10 last week and about 4 the week before). And 2 now on ventilators. It was zero last week and has been zero most of the last 3 months.

Happily 0 deaths.
England hospital deaths also double last Friday when it was 5 - up to 10. Though the 5 had 3 from the NW and today the 10 only has 2 from the NW - though they are 2 of the most recent 3 deaths.

The most, 5, were from the South East.
Stockport just had the restriction lifted which is a relief as my lad wasn't too keen about having to wear a mask to school.
My neighbours act as if there has never been a lockdown so I doubt they are as pleased with this decision as I am. Utter cnuts the lot of them
The England data reads:

27 Aug 0 (first 0 from day before in 5 days)

26 Aug adds 3 = 6 after 2 days

25 Aug adds 3 = 9 after 3 days. This is the highest 3 day total for 2 weeks.

24 Aug adds 0 = 5 after 4 days.

23 Aug adds 0 = 7 after 5 days.

The other deaths outside these 6 were over a week ago. The earliest over 3 weeks ago.

So 22 Aug is still 5 on 6 days, 21 Aug still 5 after a week and 20 Jul still 3 after 8 days.

Though as you can see the last two days at 6 and 9 already beat all these five day totals and may be signs of deaths starting to show that rise that we were fearing.

Early days as yet but there are certainly some hints of a looming problem. Hopefully it turns out to be a statistical blip.
Just to illustrate my point if you add up the 1 - 5 day totals over the run for the past 6 days the total has risen from 11 six days ago through to the most recent of 27.

England hospital death numbers do appear to be rising at the moment.
Surely your work could arrange meet up once a week ? Go for a beer

also think of the time saved and the money saved from commute ?

Not really I don’t think. A lot of the humour and fun comes from situations that develop in front of you at work and how people react etc. You lose the subtleties on a web cam etc.

And work colleagues are different to mates. I doubt anyone would want to go out their way every week to meet up, outside of work time. Especially if you can only have one beer before you can’t drive.

Time saved is negligible. Maybe 30ish minutes a day which I enjoy. Costs aren’t massive either on such a short journey.

its a long video so not watched it all yet. but some scientific papers now coming back with Hydroxychloroquine success rates. but with LOW DOSES.

Not double blind tests, but quite large scale observational

some of the other failed papers seem to be using far higher doses.

the Belgian paper showed a 30% drop in mortality vs a control group.

Double blind trials are all that matters,definate proof shows it is not affective and can cause heart issues and death
Okay so the UK hospital death total today is 10. Last week it was 5. That later became just 2 in the all settings number. Not sure why.
Not really I don’t think. A lot of the humour and fun comes from situations that develop in front of you at work and how people react etc. You lose the subtleties on a web cam etc.

And work colleagues are different to mates. I doubt anyone would want to go out their way every week to meet up, outside of work time. Especially if you can only have one beer before you can’t drive.

Time saved is negligible. Maybe 30ish minutes a day which I enjoy. Costs aren’t massive either on such a short journey.

fair enough. My commute is 4 hours out the day.
we interact on zoom and have had no issues work wise - not the same but the benefits of Cost and time saved and being able to enjoy more family time is more for me
So outside of England todays cases sit at 170 (the highest in a while) versus 125 last week, This rise is entirely driven by N Ireland which has 65 more cases week on week.

Last week England added 908 to that 125 to give us 1033 cases.
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