COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Oh and the amazing Gov web site has imploded again so you might be waiting a long time for more news.

They only just took down the notice saying it was working again.

Its like Yes Minister was being remade as a documentary.
I did manage to see before it fritzed that there were 430 people in hospital in England - which is a fall on yesterday to a new low which is at least some good news.

So if Wales is unchanged (it rarely goes up or down by more than a handful) that is 750 in UK hospitals. Which is remarkable bearing in mind it was 20,000 in April.

Only a few weeks ago that was the number in hospital in Scotland alone.
I think it is apparent now that what the government mean by 'technical difficulties' is that their servers are crap and cannot handle the influx of data they put on at the same time every day when everyone knows to access it.

After stopping the press conferences it is the only way to find things out so it is not like it was predictable that you may need to beef things up,

I can envisage a Dr Strangelove like novel where an asteroid is headed our way at midnight and the government web site providing information has to keep up with demand and flashes up the message - Back Tomorrow Morning. We are having technical difficulties.

Good job its only a global pandemic then.
It does seem like the treatment of Covid has improved and the number of deaths are now very low in relation to the rise in positive tests.

Is there any data on the ages of those in hospital and who are testing positive?
It does seem like the treatment of Covid has improved and the number of deaths are now very low in relation to the rise in positive tests.

Is there any data on the ages of those in hospital and who are testing positive?

Not so much the hospital stats but the total numbers in relevant age ranges being infected in England over the past 7 days.
In July ONS reports only 2 health areas had more than 20 deaths from Covid. Neither in the North. They were Leicester (24) and Ashford (where there is a major Eurostar station and the only area down south with a Pop Score over 1000) with 21.

Gov website is still u/s. Indeed they have stopped trying and just sending you to the map!
In July ONS reports only 2 health areas had more than 20 deaths from Covid. Neither in the North. They were Leicester (24) and Ashford (where there is a major Eurostar station and the only area down south with a Pop Score over 1000) with 21.

Gov website is still u/s. Indeed they have stopped trying and just sending you to the map!

Gov website imploding - surely not?

Remember they boasted today they have STARTED developing the software and website for the post Brexit customs landscape TODAY a mere 4 months away from the date we leave.......doesn't fill you with confidence does it?

At least they delivered the Track and Trace app for 18th of June..................oh dear.
Having given up on them fixing this wreck over the Bank Holiday (they have not even put up a trying to fix it message and just left the website saying n/a for everything!) I looked on Twitter and found someone who had calculated the deaths as they would have been given by the old method until recent changes v the 60 day measure after a positive test that they plan to introduce soon if they ever get their website act sorted) v the current 28 day death measure we get quoted daily now (today it was 9).

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of their data but it looks bona fide. And what is worrying is that on all three measures if you take the last two weeks up to today the death numbers have risen last week to this week.

week 1 (to Aug 21) v week 2 (to today) below:-

current 28 day measure wk 1 is 47 v wk 2 is 81.

new 60 day measure wk 1 is 111 v wk 2 is 145.

old measure we used to get until recent changes wk 1 is 360 v wk 2 is 383.
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I’ve had a cold since new year, think I was unfortunate enough to pick one up, get rid and pick another up immediately afterwards. As such my chest is a bit fucked and breathing hasn’t been what it usually is.

If I end up with this thing I might have had it.

i know the feeling , i'm in exactly the same boat!
Well the lockdown restrictions on two households mixing introduced last month will be lifted in the Greater Manchester boroughs of Bolton, Stockport and Trafford, as well as Burnley and Hyndburn in Lancashire will be lifted on Wednesday. People in parts of Bradford, Calderdale and Kirklees in West Yorkshire will be able to mix with other households from Wednesday.
Good news really as cases in outlying area are reducing but they are remaining stubbornly high in other spots.
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