COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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What on earth are you rambling on about? You are backing someone up who is saying that kids being educated at home should not be classed as missing out on education. Where did I get personal? Are you denying that you're being argumentive?

My point always was that it is not much more deadly than flu, which is proving to be right. Yes it is more contagious but in my opinion we shouldn't be locking down over it.
I simply raised the point that plenty are home schooled as a matter of choice by their parents and do very well, it does not have to be a big diaster , as i say in school would be my preference, kids want to learn, parents have the internet and classes to help them laid on by teachers , they even have gym classes for them

That is talking not argueing

I am sure employers will be mindful when employing kids from this year who present with lower grades because of the disruption ,most have got a uni or college place for this year or deferred till next year,tiny kids are fine at home and mums club

It is not a great situation for kids socialing but they have a hundred different devices to keep in touch ,this is not happening in the 80's is it

If you cant discuss normally then dont reply
This is moving so fast ,what was said in june doesnt apply now does it ,we have learnt loads since then,no i havent looked at it ,we had a game to watch
I doubt you read it will you Karen? because the contents of that article doesnt fit your narrative. And it will make it harder for you to criticise others for having the temerity to read material and look at data for themselves which is outside the official line. You are so wrong on saying June doesnt count. The article posted was about the breakthrough in t cells and covid immunity, that scientific revelation is without doubt being worked on and analysed by the countries top scientists, but to you it doenst count and isnt worth disscussing on an forum about covid? bizzare.

You are a great contributor to this site, I enjoy your posts, but sometimes just sometimes its a good idea to listen to others?
So,my brother can't come in my house....ok,I get that,and will abide by it.
But,I can sit with him in the pub as COVID can't get me in the boozer,or can't get me till 10:01pm.
Not really, if my daughter comes to our house she's moving around sitting on furniture using the bathroom if we meet her at a restaurant she's sat at one table in one seat that has been cleaned and sanitised. Using their cutlery and crockery. Makes sense to me. As for the 10.00 curfew,I don't know enough to comment but apparently there's evidence it has an effect.
Forgive me if all of this has been covered on here previously, but I've not been keeping up with this thread or with the news in general recently.


Early on in this saga as a result of the national "data" we had an enforced "soft" lockdown and as a result (mortality and general infection) cases dropped, however, the economy crashed, so certain restrictions needed to be lifted in order to stimulate the economy;


What I can't figure out is why didn't we stagger these restriction lifts?
Why didn't we leave enough of a time gap between each of these easing of restrictions to gather evidence to see which of these changes were effecting the R rate?

We just "went for it" wholescale, almost every day new restrictions were being lifted.
We were told very early on that we could be infected by the virus, but that there was as much as a two week incubation period between infection and symptoms, so, why were there not two week gaps between each of the lifts to work out what had an affect and what didn't?

This is NOT a scientific approach, not even close.

It doesn't make an ounce of sense to me (and I'm supposedly quite scientifically minded), which leads my mind to believe that there is something fairly dodgy about all this, and that we're not being told the whole truth here.

If anybody can come close to giving me a reason I'd be very grateful as my Bipolar mind is kicking in and the conclusions I'm reaching during my manic periods are fairly "conspiracy theorist" :):
Because lifting the restrictions was made by the gov in line with their political needs, it should have been done slower and collect data then ease some more , get test ,track and trace running properly first , sad!y it was more politically advantageous to get things back to normally quickly
So,my brother can't come in my house....ok,I get that,and will abide by it.
But,I can sit with him in the pub as COVID can't get me in the boozer,or can't get me till 10:01pm.

So boozers have to shut at 10pm due to excessive alcohol intake being a huge concern in the spread of Corona. What's to stop me going in 2 hours earlier than I normally would and drinking the same amount? Or is it just after 10pm Corona fancys infecting people?

Apologies if already covered, just mind boggling really, they don't have a clue what to do.
To be honest, I cannot see this having any impact and is simply a precursor to shutting them.
ATM though, I see the Government as trying to win hearts and minds in order to gaim some trust, and prob see not closing the pubs until absolutely necessary as being one way.
I can only assume Boris is trying in this next phase of measures to reduce the rate of infection levels to a more manageable level, whilst still giving the public a small carrot.

Should there be no measurable impact, I can see pubs being closed fully again

Can't see it making any difference at all. The ideas there I suppose, just giving people a taste of what they stand to lose.
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