COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Surely up to date figures are last Monday data to this Monday.

England 14 deaths v 28. Patients in hospital 782 v 1261. Ventilated Covid patients 88 to 154.

Those are not numbers in the same range when I learned maths. Admittedly a long time ago.

They look to me not far off doubling all round.

I agree they are not at the levels we had in April or aything like and I hope they never get remotely near them. And don;t think they will. But they are all but doubling consistently. Or what am I missing?

Wanting to stop them from doubling next week seems a not unreasonable idea.
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To be honest, I cannot see this having any impact and is simply a precursor to shutting them.
ATM though, I see the Government as trying to win hearts and minds in order to gaim some trust, and prob see not closing the pubs until absolutely necessary as being one way.

it can’t close pubs and restaurants . It can not afford to . If it closes the whole of the hospitality industry as they go into their busiest period , the run up to Xmas , it will have to compensate them and the staff .

there is no way it can afford too
Of 383 new infections in Scotland today

27 are in people over 65
16 are in kids under 15
103 are in the 15-19 bracket
All the rest 20-64

That is still reassuringly low and well below 10%. Why is Nicola Stuegeon repeatedly referring to increases as that number has been pretty flat for a few days.
Not really, if my daughter comes to our house she's moving around sitting on furniture using the bathroom if we meet her at a restaurant she's sat at one table in one seat that has been cleaned and sanitised. Using their cutlery and crockery. Makes sense to me. As for the 10.00 curfew,I don't know enough to comment but apparently there's evidence it has an effect.

On Friday I finished work early,I parked the car at the pub facing my wife's works,told her I would wait for her there and have a few pints and she can drive us home.
The table facing me must of had 4 sets of different occupants while I was there.
NOTHING was wiped or sanitised after each set left.
This will be going on all over the place.
On Friday I finished work early,I parked the car at the pub facing my wife's works,told her I would wait for her there and have a few pints and she can drive us home.
The table facing me must of had 4 sets of different occupants while I was there.
NOTHING was wiped or sanitised after each set left.
This will be going on all over the place.
That's down to the place you went , not the rules though. The rules make sense, they can't help places that break it. Personnally wouldn't stay somewhere I could see the rules or just good practice being ignored.
I doubt you read it will you Karen? because the contents of that article doesnt fit your narrative. And it will make it harder for you to criticise others for having the temerity to read material and look at data for themselves which is outside the official line. You are so wrong on saying June doesnt count. The article posted was about the breakthrough in t cells and covid immunity, that scientific revelation is without doubt being worked on and analysed by the countries top scientists, but to you it doenst count and isnt worth disscussing on an forum about covid? bizzare.

You are a great contributor to this site, I enjoy your posts, but sometimes just sometimes its a good idea to listen to others?
There was no break tbrough on immunity in june, it was assumed which is now out of date ,hancock and whitty said yesterday tnat people have got it twice, milder and they are not sure if they can spread it so talk about immunity in june is no longer relevant ,why would i want to read that ?

i asked you for a different link to brazil yesterday as it was asking for my details , the moment has passed now ,i am much more concerned with todays news here, this immunity is pertinent to me , i have no interest in brazil so i dont know why you want me to read up and discuss that , it is enough to follow europe and america , i am happy enough to leave it there
I simply raised the point that plenty are home schooled as a matter of choice by their parents and do very well, it does not have to be a big diaster , as i say in school would be my preference, kids want to learn, parents have the internet and classes to help them laid on by teachers , they even have gym classes for them

That is talking not argueing

I am sure employers will be mindful when employing kids from this year who present with lower grades because of the disruption ,most have got a uni or college place for this year or deferred till next year,tiny kids are fine at home and mums club

It is not a great situation for kids socialing but they have a hundred different devices to keep in touch ,this is not happening in the 80's is it

If you cant discuss normally then dont reply

Plenty are and it works for some from an intelligence perspective, pretty sure that these kids social skills are damaged and unless they are intellectual they will not be successful. I don't think it's even a debate whether it's best for kids to be in school or taught at home so not sure why it is being discussed.

The OP said that people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford to stay at home to teach them. That's not how it works. People go to work and help pay his wages and I find it offensive that someone with that mindset is allowed near a kids school.

Oh and I'm pretty sure you called me a see you next Tuesday and disgusting piece of shit. Is that you discussing things normally? I didn't respond to it as it is a bit pathetic resorting to that on an internet forum but I noticed it. Happy to move on...
Well that’s Xmas cancelled then, no chance of going on a works do or anything really, time to stack up on loo roll and pasta again I reckon.
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