COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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This is why the government should be encouraging people to meet up outside, whilst explaining the benefits of proper ventilation, if outside proves to be impossible. Simple messages applicable to all, instead of this hugely over complicated system they’ve come up with. Apparently they’re planning a ‘tier 3 plus’ system! It’s one thing to make mistakes but to keep making the same ones over and over doesn’t fill people with confidence in them and doesn’t bode well for any vaccine roll out..
One of the things I really liked about what Blueish Swede had to say was about the consistency of messaging in Sweden. We’ve been a shambles in comparison.

I’ve gone as far as treating myself to an Adidas Originals 80s style Sweden tracksuit to help me with the extra training I am trying to do!
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This is why the government should be encouraging people to meet up outside, whilst explaining the benefits of proper ventilation, if outside proves to be impossible. Simple messages applicable to all, instead of this hugely over complicated system they’ve come up with. Apparently they’re planning a ‘tier 3 plus’ system! It’s one thing to make mistakes but to keep making the same ones over and over doesn’t fill people with confidence in them and doesn’t bode well for any vaccine roll out..

The National Trust did this at first and made entrance free. For a week anyway then just shut the lot. I know so many that have taken up hiking and go at least 3 time’s a week. A lot of people have taken the opportunity to eat better and get fitter which is great. It’s a lot easier to eat well when you’re working from home, no office treats, home made lunch etc.
I’ve just listened to a researcher on the news who has developed Covid detection through checking peoples irises. It’s been tested at Oxford John Radcliffe Hospital and they are hoping to get regulatory approval in between 3 and 6 months. The researcher said it would be a very cost effective and faster test (results in a couple of minutes) that would be ideal for schools, airports etc.
Should be being rolled out within a month to check if people need to have a proper test.
Opposite, it means if we can control numbers needing hospital for a few months and save some lives then we can afford the cost of either a circuit break or local lockdowns.
If there was no prospect of vaccines anytime soon and an end to it then the cost of repeated lockdowns would be unaffordable.
Disagree it becomes even more pointless locking down in areas of low prevelance with the economic damage.
One of the things I really liked about what Blueish Swede had to say was about the consistency of messaging in Sweden. We’ve been a shambles in comparison.

I’ve gone as far as treating myself to an Adidas Originals 80snstyoe Sweden tracksuit to help me with the extra training I am trying to do!
They have consistently resisted the insane policy of lockdown. This is now confirmed by the WHO, probably to cover their arses when the lockdown policy becomes completely discredited. They are now plunging down the list of worst affected countries, whilst those who locked down are dealing with the inevitable second wave. Penny dropping amongst the lockdown advocates yet?
They have consistently resisted the insane policy of lockdown. This is now confirmed by the WHO, probably to cover their arses when the lockdown policy becomes completely discredited. They are now plunging down the list of worst affected countries, whilst those who locked down are dealing with the inevitable second wave. Penny dropping amongst the lockdown advocates yet?
The WHO say lockdown shouldn’t be the primary tool used but it can be needed to reset in the absence of an effective test, trace and isolate system. Since ours was shambolic we needed more restrictions. People refusing to isolate exacerbated this.
Stockholm has a similar population (2.3m) and population density 11k/sq mile) to Manchester (2.8m and 10.4k/m2).

But then, the commuter area and trans-border journeys will be very different to here. Plus the Swedes social distance with those they don’t know as part of their culture anyway.
Sometimes think it's less about population density more about how dense the population is.
i think the likley biggest varriable is the way deaths are counted. In Germany you have to died because of Covid, in the UK if you die of something else but have covid, it goes down as a covid death which is utterly ridiculous.

That’s not true tho. When you look at excess deaths you would see a large spike in non covid deaths if they were trying to “hide” it like that but that spike isn’t there.

One of the things I really liked about what Blueish Swede had to say was about the consistency of messaging in Sweden. We’ve been a shambles in comparison.

I’ve gone as far as treating myself to an Adidas Originals 80snstyoe Sweden tracksuit to help me with the extra training I am trying to do!
Absolutely. Posted in politics bit but probably applicable here.
Now agreeing to give details from track and trace to the police. That’ll encourage people to get tested.....Not.
Problem = people not self isolating. Solution should be making it easier to self isolate, not criminalising it. Positive test and you get £500 a week to stay at home (for 7 days). Job done.
What gives you the right to be obnoxious to other posters just because you dissagree with their view point?

Fair dos, that was OTT.

There's a lot of highly misleading stuff posted here that's obviously wrong, and frustration hit the better of me.

It could have been even worse - that was posted after a win!

Apologies @BigJoe#1
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