COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Northern Ireland data is bad again with 5 deaths most in a while.

5 deaths (v 1 last week, 0 wk before)

1012 cases (v 1066 last week v 462 wk before) THough cases very high at least not increasing week to week - so hopefully a plateauing.

Rolling 7 day total record - though - and is 7090 (was 5909 last week).

228 patients (down 3) v 137 last week v 65 wk before.

23 on ventilators (up 1) v 19 last week v 9 wk before.
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The 61 England hospital deaths were aged between 54 and 96.

Four of them (aged 56 to 92) had no previously known underlying health conditions.
i honestly dont get that impression from your posts.
I used to have my own business till i got disabled , it was gut wrenching to have to lose it , i understand only too well , you can start another business ,get another job but you cant come back to life or heal from permanent damage
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The US may be about to go through a Covid resurgence by the looks of it. Rise in cases of 68,000 on Friday (highest single day figure since July) and more notably, a rise in hospitalisations.

And they've not even bothered with any form of test and trace.
Vaccines and November more and more evident when typed in google. Just need to stand firm for a few more months and we will have this under control.
Not so i am afraid , the only people you should !isten to is this guy from the wellcome trust and those running the trials , data is nov/ dec and first quarter for a vaccine for vulnefable and front line workers , be summer before everyone gets it , he also said on sky earlier that some wont respond to the vaccine or wont have it and so get sick so it is not the e d of the virus but one tool a!ong with nhs and various treatments

Stop googling it , you are getting info from sources who are guessing

Also says winter will be really tough and dec 25th is as good as cancelled
The US may be about to go through a Covid resurgence by the looks of it. Rise in cases of 68,000 on Friday (highest single day figure since July) and more notably, a rise in hospitalisations.

And they've not even bothered with any form of test and trace.
Trump is doing rallies everyday ,all over the country, it was not enough he infected half the white house , he is literally killing people to stay inoffice
Don't know what's going on with scotland's stats for today.

Showing 316 new cases which absolutely can't and won't be right.
My wife who's seen her parents 3 times since March (one was at a funeral) is starting to feel the effects of this lockdown. I've been quite resillient and accepted two holidays cancelled were a small sacrifice for our health. I have a sole parent that's part of bubble too so that helps. Christmas might be the overwhelming point for many this Christmas. I really do feel for those that have been seperated for a long time now.

Looking past Christmas what do you need from 2021 to give you hope/lift your spirits?

To see family?
To have a holiday?
To go to the footy?
To sit in a pub with mates?
To get rid of a mask?
To see no deaths for a month?
To see jobs return?
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