COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Its exactly contrasting scenarios like the above that are driving people fucking nuts with frustration,anger,and bewilderment.

Ive just been to a supermarket this morning and any form of social distancing was none existent,it was just full of selfish,arrogant and thick fuckers hell bent on sorting themselves out......yet,woe betide anyone who goes round their neighbours to interact sensibly and bring a little bit of sanity back into their life.

Our local Tesco and even the bigger supermarkets in Dumfries are horrendous. Worse of all is seeing most of the staff with no fucking masks on!

I will obey the law and rules up to a point. Once its patently obvious its a fucking ridiculous rule and i feel i and the family can ignore it safely then ignore it i will and being socially distant in a garden seeing family once or twice a week to ensure they are ok and to give us all a mental health boost is one of them.
Its exactly contrasting scenarios like the above that are driving people fucking nuts with frustration,anger,and bewilderment.

Ive just been to a supermarket this morning and any form of social distancing was none existent,it was just full of selfish,arrogant and thick fuckers hell bent on sorting themselves out......yet,woe betide anyone who goes round their neighbours to interact sensibly and ebring a little bit of sanity back into their life.
Totally empathise, and because of those behaviours you saw, the majority will have to suffer.

The Government are guilty imo of assuming they are governing a state of rational and honest people.
They really have to come down hard on the people hell bent on putting two fingers up to the rest of the country
Our local Tesco and even the bigger supermarkets in Dumfries are horrendous. Worse of all is seeing most of the staff with no fucking masks on!

I will obey the law and rules up to a point. Once its patently obvious its a fucking ridiculous rule and i feel i and the family can ignore it safely then ignore it i will and being socially distant in a garden seeing family once or twice a week to ensure they are ok and to give us all a mental health boost is one of them.
I agree pal,and i wouldn't frown upon anyone doing similar.

This virus could be conquered by common sense,its just boils my piss that many of today's selfish half wits are lacking any.
Our local Tesco and even the bigger supermarkets in Dumfries are horrendous. Worse of all is seeing most of the staff with no fucking masks on!

I will obey the law and rules up to a point. Once its patently obvious its a fucking ridiculous rule and i feel i and the family can ignore it safely then ignore it i will and being socially distant in a garden seeing family once or twice a week to ensure they are ok and to give us all a mental health boost is one of them.
I thought they were mandatory for supermarket workers now??
Supermarket staff get enough grief from the general public, even before Covid. The ones who are front of house, trying to ensure social distancing or show where handgel is to clean hands before entering etc, are your normal employee (the ones I have seen), and don't need Billy big bollocks giving it large because he feels no desire to wear a mask.

Could bouncers be used, who knows how that would work, but for me, the general staff shouldn't be getting shit for trying to help everyone stay safe, including the wankers hell bent on the opposite
Not advocating it but sometimes only a soldier on the door with a big fuck off machine gun will deter the self entitled fuckers!
Too easy to blame government for everything.
Some of their response has been very poor but We all have a responsibility to act the right way and blaming the government won’t change anything or stop loved ones dying.

It will continue whilst people have the mindset of what the virus stops them doing, rather than what they can do to stop the virus.
So did I and i remember Sturgeon making it very clear that all workers had to wear.

It isn't happening!
I’ve complained to the manager of our local Asda so much that I’m blue in the face.
Staff don’t wear masks, stand around chatting (I’m in at the crack of dawn) whilst others are happy to barge into you to fill up the click and collect trollies.
Went in for the first time in two months last week and they are now wearing masks at last.
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