COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Genuine question, Why do political posts get pulled but outright lies, mis information and science denying posts get a freebie? i would much rather hear a political post i don't agree with than some FLT driver or whatever tell me the overwhelming consensus of scientists and experts have got it wrong. I know which posts cause more harm during a pandemic.
I would agree with you entirely, however I don’t run the site.

I would also add that a problem I would personally have is distinguishing between what is disinformation and a a reasonable objection and where do you draw the line?

I have just posted about how I think some of the rules are unbalanced and yet others would make out that for doing that I was a ‘denier’.
I agree re the masks, but I have seen first hand, supermarket staff getting absolute grief from selfish wankers, one actually through a punch at a young lad and was arrested. It's not the stores remit imo to enforce it.

That's disgusting, you're right, absolutely no way should they be the ones enforcing it. Don't get paid enough to deal with dickheads.
I agree re the masks, but I have seen first hand, supermarket staff getting absolute grief from selfish wankers, one actually through a punch at a young lad and was arrested. It's not the stores remit imo to enforce it.
Who will enforce it then?
Surely they should make it clear you cannot come in without a mask, at the moment people know nothing will happen.
If they employ security they should be able to do this easy enough
Same as if the police just sent one officer to each supermarket from tomorrow and stopped letting people in and then did spot checks
People will then get the message
If we do nothing it will never work
I agree re the masks, but I have seen first hand, supermarket staff getting absolute grief from selfish wankers, one actually through a punch at a young lad and was arrested. It's not the stores remit imo to enforce it.
I think it is the store‘s remit to enforce it, but the issue is with the selfish entitled wankers the stores come up against. That’s the society we have allowed to blossom after years laissez faire expectations on behaviour.
I would agree with you entirely, however I don’t run the site.

I would also add that a problem I would personally have is distinguishing between what is disinformation and a a reasonable objection and where do you draw the line?

I have just posted about how I think some of the rules are unbalanced and yet others would make out that for doing that I was a ‘denier’.
That's fair enough. Maybe we should have a "Covid-19: I know better the the experts thread"
Have to say that I feel there have been some anomalies in the message.
For example, I the middle of July you could have family round in the garden and keep social distance. We did this and none of them were allowed to go into the house apart from a visit to the downstairs loo.

Then our area was plunged into additional lock down measures even though our figures were extremely low. This meant I could no longer meet my children in our garden.
Yet I could get on a bus with them to go to the nearest town then go into a pub with them all for a couple of hours indoor drinking and eating.

Which was safer? Social distancing chat in the garden, each person with their own chair, table, glasses and drink with sole use of a toilet. Or sitting inside some dive that we don’t know how often, if ever, the tables have been cleaned being served drinks by people who may have the virus with glasses that others have used?
Of course there are anomalies, but IMO it is not people like you who are taking all these precautions and are puzzling over anomalies, who are at the root cause of our current crisis.

It's made enormously worse IMO by people who don't give a toss about the rules, anomalies or not.

And BTW, whilst I am here, can I just say that keeping schools and universities open, is absolutely idiotic. 4 weeks of kids missing school and/or having to do homework and classes from home is utterly irrelevant in the great scheme of their overall education, and yet keeping them open drives a coach and horses through effectiveness of the lockdown.

There was some guy on the TV from the teachers' union (I think it was) who was saying that there has been a 50x increase in infections in secondary schools and yet we think it's OK for these people to continue to keep mixing and going home to infect their parents??? Bonkers.
How is the Inside or outside Garden Centre Essential to stay open, but if your Cookers fucked you can't go and have a look at a new one, unless you buy a BBQ from the Garden Centre was their thought process.
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I believe we are going into lockdown not because of what is happening now (the infection has been slowed) but because they want to get the infectious base down significantly before mid December / January when the conditions for spread will be worse than they are now.

I think this epidemic's end is in sight but we have to get over the hill first. I thought a vaccine would be available by Christmas but it seems that the Americans are worried that if they approve the first vaccine that comes along they will find it very difficult to benchmark and compare the other vaccines because it will impair the progress of the vaccine trials. If we're very lucky, the first vaccine results from AZN, Pfizer, or Moderna will be so good that it will convince them to go straight away. Wishful thinking hasn't worked so far though.
I agree too that the end is in sight, a vaccine even if only administered amongst the vulnerable population will have a significant impact. It will certainly open up new options on policy because we are going into lockdown 2 purely because healthcare capacity needs to be preserved.

If the vulnerable are protected then there is a much stronger argument to let young people loose and to have relative normality as the whole population are slowly vaccinated. There is then just a need for top ups to maintain immunity until eventually the virus is extinguished.

The worry I have isn't with the UK, it's with the rest of the world because it's fine removing the virus from here but open the borders and it will start all over again which is why an international vaccine from the WHO is needed. That stupid tit president removing funding from the WHO has to be amongst the most idiotic decisions of his presidency.
Of course there are anomalies, but IMO it is not people like you who are taking all these precautions and are puzzling over anomalies, who are at the root cause of our current crisis.

It's made enormously worse IMO by people who don't give a toss about the rules, anomalies or not.
Thank you for realising we have been cautious and are doing our best to protect our family.
However if I met my pregnant daughter, who is finding day time difficult as she is all alone, in our garden we could both be liable for a fine up to £1000. So if I wish to ease her through the day we could both be criminalised or lose money we can ill afford to pay. Meeting in our garden, though cold and wet, is safer than going out for a meal imo.

However I do understand your point about others who are reckless in their ignorance of the rules, but I’m not sure the police would recognise the difference.
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