COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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i dissagree, early signs indicate cases are already levelling off.
You cant go on a couple of days , this is coming in waves and you have to act based on that

I feel very down today , this whole thing has been frightening and draining , i wish we had acted three weeks ago and i fear this winter wave will be worse than even i was thinking

No energy to do any sparring today
Says the guy who started out saying
"it was no worse than flu"
Then went on to state that "the virus had weakened"
then started posting links to Russian propaganda articles.

You have done nothing but peddled lies and mis-information since you came on this thread. I'm sure you would like me to disapear so you can keep on spreading your know nowt bar stool anti science shite but i won't. I think i'll stay here to remind every one what a proven bullshitter you are

Weren't you the poster claiming that your mates window cleaners cousin knows a 15 year old that killed his grandparents by passing the virus on. Biggest bullshitter on here and most boring poster as well.
Let's be honest even if they did you would just discount it. Your a science denier. Just another one of millions on social media.
Quite the reverse. I'm guided by proven science and common sence - not by unproven science theory.
Face masks for example. Our science establishment said they weren't needed. I said they were talking bollox and they were proven to be talking bollox by proven scientific fact.
The same applies this time round with Covid secure pubs and restaurants. Now establishments not following the rules should be shut down, but overall it's 3% of cases are in restaurants and 5% of cases in pubs. Peanuts. Indeed shutting pubs has driven infection rates up as selfish people are meeting in each others unsecure Covid homes instead.
Schools are directly the source 26% of cases and half of all cases in the home our from teenage children bringing the infection home and giving it to their families (a large chunk of the "Other" statistics).
Where one family member works in a care home that gives us another 26% of cases - driven by care workers with asymptomic Covid-19.
The government is not reporting detailed locations visited by infected people as well as cross referenced locations with other infected people. For some reason our wonderful SAGEs don't want the truth to come out that Schools are driving at least 60% of cases.
Hardly surprising as anecdotal evidence from two high school teacher friends and by others on here has stated that Hands/Face/Space is pretty much non existent in most high schools.
ALL statistics should be published so our SAGEs can be challenged on their theories. If you can't challenge scientific theory it isn't science.
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You think it’ll be lifted then?

Absolutely no chance. Best we can hope for is back into tier 3 in my opinion. One things for sure if this level of lockdown lasts into next year it will definitely finish off a lot of hotels, restaurants, bars etc as December is they're busiest month and after this year they need it!
smoking makes people die but yet shops sell cigarettes? Having unprotected sex can lead to people catching HIV and dying - last I check we can still do that.
Why do some people think we have a right to immortality? Unfortunately part of life is dying.
I am not missing any point at all - my point of view is that I have two ex colleagues who have taken their life since losing their business, I know multiple people who now cannot pay their bills and are struggling to put food on the table for their kids. The long term impact of the way the government are protecting a small minority is going to be huge.

so because you have a low income you are happy because you get to keep it?
I have lost a business i spent years building up when i had the car accident that disabled me , i get it , i have been through what people are going through now
16 week lockdown in Melbourne to get from a tiny 700 positive tests a day to zero. 1200 jobs lost EVERY day, 30% increase in the demand for mental health services, a spike of over 30% of other healthcare since September, a huge increase in alcohol consumption and domestic violence. The economic recovery will take years, if not decades, and Covid will be back in Australia sometime in the future. Worth it? You wouldn’t imagine so.

That is shocking really isn't it.
Kaz wont understand she only sees covid. everything else is irrelevant, Kaz doesnt want a balance she wants covid exterminated i suspect because she has had it badly herself.
As discussed to death between us i do understand but economies always recover , you cant come back to life

For the last time , i understand ALL of the arguements
Gove hilariously trying to wing it on Sophy Ridge. Convinced they are following the science and the 4 week lockdown will bring the R rate down below 1. Not ruling out the lockdown won't be extended but had to be pushed continuely to admit that. I get a little tired of politicians constantly talking about what other European countries are doing. We live in the UK not in France,Spain etc so it's fairly irrevelent.
She is my favourite politcal interviewer , firm but not enough to put them off going on there
zee Germans haven't done too badly!
Oh and quite a few others.
We're still one of the worst countries for deaths in relation to total population (worse than Trump's USA) and economic damage.
The Germans are doing as badly as we are at the moment. Their T&T system that worked somewhat in the Summer is not working anymore, because T&T doesn’t work if the R is running faster than tracks and traces reach people.
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