Well-Known Member
I see you got a really moronic response about women ‘hovering’ above the toilet like some celestial being?
Not like the virus could be on the handle to get in, could be cubicle handle or still in the air from the last user or on the taps she touches.
I knew the lockdown maniacs would look for a stupid reason why it’s safer in the park when the reality is that it’s safer in the garden if you are a responsible and careful adult.
I was just reading every post in the thread to see if the complete absurdity of that reply had been pulled up before I was about to post almost the exact same reply as you have Squirty.
The be all and end all of every single restriction these dictators have come up with is,if you're a sensible grown up you don't need to listen to any of it just take precautions and get on with life