COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Theres talk that kent might have to go into tier 4 to try and get it under control here.
From what I see you can put Kent into any high tier you want but if the people dont follow the guidelines what's the point ?

The last full lockdown didnt really happen in my part of kent, thanet. People knock on shops doors for stuff, pawn shops, phone shops, clothes shops etc all git round it by saying it was click and collect.
Lots dont wear masks in shops, the town was busy with lots of kids and young families shopping when the kids should have been in school or self isolating at home.

Now in tier 3 nothing changed if anything it's getting worse with Christmas coming have seen more hugging and kissing when wishing happy Christmas. Its madness and frightening

I am getting sick and tired of this pandemic, I just feel like smacking the next person i see breaking the guidelines. Why cant people just do as asked than we might get this under control. The thought of going into an even stricter tier is pointless unless people are stopped from breaking it.

PS I see all this as I have been working in the town putting up the Christmas lights ;)
Not coping isn’t an option mate. You have to have the mentality to drive through it and cope. There’s nobody else to bounce off, to rely on, so you just have to have a staunch determination.

I’ve got a tattoo on my back that means ‘Indomitable Spirit’. We should never let anything get the better of us!
Having covid and long covid on my own has been terrifying , not being able to breath in the night and having nobody to support me ,this is going to sound really harsh but if you live with your family please dont moan in my direction
Thank you pal, that's incredibly kind of you, Blue Mooners have kept be going this year at various times with offers of help, you know who you are

I'm based in Sale and when the time is right, I'll be putting a few hundred behind the bar at the Brook Pub next to Brooklands Metro and sharing a pint with anyone who wants one.

I'll look forward to it.

Ric can have his snowball.
Tolm, don’t mean to be sycophantic or owt, but you are one of my favourite posters on here, I recall you saying your season ticket is going. If I can’t make a game or two next season you are welcome to borrow my season card gratis. I never charge friends for it anyway. Hope your Christmas improves and your family recover well Bud.
How many people in Tier 3 Greater Manchester are going to Tier 2 Cheshire to do what they cannot do in Tier 3 during ''party season''?

Lots of them. Tier 3 is useless as it is impossible to contain and just benefits livelihoods outside of your own area by boosting ones that by quirks of the system are free to do what neighbours cannot.

Only fair rules the same for everyone work. If we ignore that reality in January it will slow down any chance of getting cases low enough to avoid months of ever tougher measures.
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Seeing an awful lot of people struggling on here at the moment, and fucking hell I can relate. But I will say, please do carry on venting on here though! Fuck anyone who calls you negative or a doom monger. If it helps you in anyway at all, do it. Saying the thing you fear out loud is a very normal coping mechanism, even if it feels nihilistic. Verbalising worries is sumat that we need to. Especially blokes - we're shite at this kinda thing. I've used this forum so many times to simply get things off my chest. Even though it solves nothing, and it almost certainly annoys some people on here (sorry, it isnt intentional), I always feel better for having typed something out and posted it, even if it is incredibly bleak. I don't know why. I'd guess just even one person replying, or acknowledging they feel the same...well, it kinda makes you feel a bit more normal and 'heard'. Chances are if you're feeling the urge to vent, then you need to. So do it.

For example, on a personal level, I've struggled with this big time. I can't help but feel this was the year where my life was meant to crack on. I've got a general fear of losing time as my parents get older (I want them to be grandparents to my kids!) - not being able to hug them for ages, not being able to get married, we'd hoped to buy a house too, plus maybe even look to settle down to start our own family. Well, it's hit me quite hard losing all that time. I know i'm not unique, but it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to think and feel down about these kind of things. Like any of us do. We all do. We've all got more time to think about things that worry us too (no fun distractions allowed in tier 3!) which is why I think everything is amplified.

I know no one is interested in hearing my life story ha, but I guess my point was that I just wanted to show that literally none of us are alone in feeling low, incase any of you feel we are. We all have our own problems. Some small (like mine, relatively speaking) and some much bigger. However, it doesn't mean the problems are irrelevant and won't crush us at times. We all feel how we do for very valid reasons I'd guess. We're living in a perpetual state of worry and concern about our loved ones, and we've normalised hearing how many die each day. How is that not gonna have an affect on us? It does, of course does! I'm almost certain too that if anyone feels like they're handling it worse than others, chances are you're not. I often feel like I am, but then i'm reminded, thankfully by people close to me, and often just strangers on forums/twitter, that it'd be odd if we all weren't a bit fed up by now. It's only human that we feel this way.

I've struggled like many, but I do hand on heart think we're so close to then other side of this. I genuinely believe that. I've read enough and researched enough into it that I believe we're nearing the end, even if it is gonna be a painful winter. Hang on in there everyone. Finally, fuck off social media a fair bit, and even this forum if possible (sorry, Ric). Cut down the use - makes me feel well better when I stop 'doomscrolling' (an actual thing) and go for a walk! I feel so much better when I get my headphones on, put some music on and get out. Even just along castlefield's canals for 45 minutes. I usually pop starbucks on the way and grab a takeaway coffee too. There's sumat about buying a takeaway coffee that feels normal. Fuck knows why, but it feels reassuring just to go starbucks currently ffs! ha.

Anyway, keep safe and sensible all and just crack on. Hope you all have a lovely christmas! One of those years where you've got to make what you can of a shit hand dealt. It will get better though! Dunno if anyone needed to read that, and sorry if it was a bit waffly, but big love blues! Life will get better!
Well said mate. A walk along the canal and a takeaway coffee, cheer them up as well with a bit of custom.
Theres talk that kent might have to go into tier 4 to try and get it under control here.
From what I see you can put Kent into any high tier you want but if the people dont follow the guidelines what's the point ?

The last full lockdown didnt really happen in my part of kent, thanet. People knock on shops doors for stuff, pawn shops, phone shops, clothes shops etc all git round it by saying it was click and collect.
Lots dont wear masks in shops, the town was busy with lots of kids and young families shopping when the kids should have been in school or self isolating at home.

Now in tier 3 nothing changed if anything it's getting worse with Christmas coming have seen more hugging and kissing when wishing happy Christmas. Its madness and frightening

I am getting sick and tired of this pandemic, I just feel like smacking the next person i see breaking the guidelines. Why cant people just do as asked than we might get this under control. The thought of going into an even stricter tier is pointless unless people are stopped from breaking it.

PS I see all this as I have been working in the town putting up the Christmas lights ;)

So what you are saying is they are right bunch of Kents?
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