COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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That's very kind mate, people like you make it worth retaining faith that the vast majority of people are inherently good.

I'll take the United, Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs games, is that okay ;)
Cheeky fcuker! Lottery mate, literally could be any. Some years ago a fellow blue did something similar for me when I was in a less good place, I’m just taking the baton in the relay race. Also my sister has been having very extreme problems mental health wise and your kind words and support to fellow blues haven’t gone unnoticed.
England R number up from 0.9-1.0 to 1.1-1.2 in week.

NW is lowest at 0.9 - 1.1 but has risen slightly more than Yorkshire which has same range

Midlands has grown at between +1% and +3% daily to now be 1.0 - 1.2

Biggest jumps further south

London by 3 to 6% daily now 1.1 - 1.3 but East up by 4 to 6% is highest at 1.2 - 1.4 and South East up by 3 to 5% daily to now be 1.1 - 1.3
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Thanks for the positive messages, I realise the vaccine is arriving soon and Christmas is around the corner, just cant seem to help feeling downbeat and very worried about how my children are coping. Crap times. On top of all that not being able to go to games and this virus has made me lose some of my interest in City. I didn't even realise they were playing West Brom the other night. I clearly need to get a grip and stop feeling sorry for myself as my Dad would have said.
Chin up lovely , we have the end of the tunnel in sight with the vaccines now
How many people in Tier 3 Greater Manchester are going to Tier 2 Cheshire to do what they cannot do in Tier 3 during ''party season''?

Lots of them. Tier 3 is useless as it is impossible to contain and just benefits livelihoods outside of your own area by boosting ones that by quirks of the system are free to do what neighbours cannot.

Only fair rules the same for everyone work. If we ignore that reality in January it will slow down any chance of getting cases low enough to avoid months of ever tougher measures.
Different people from my work talking about going to Warrington this weekend for food and drinks, if they can get away with it why not, covid doesn't exist judging by the way they act so nothing to worry about.
Thank you pal, that's incredibly kind of you, Blue Mooners have kept be going this year at various times with offers of help, you know who you are

I'm based in Sale and when the time is right, I'll be putting a few hundred behind the bar at the Brook Pub next to Brooklands Metro and sharing a pint with anyone who wants one.

I'll look forward to it.

Ric can have his snowball.
Someone on here - I'll not name them, to save their blushes - offered to do weekly shopping for my Mum, who is 85 and lives alone in Poynton. It wasn't like they were around the corner either.

There's some right twats around for sure, but on the other hand, some people are real gems they really are.
Someone on here - I'll not name them, to save their blushes - offered to do weekly shopping for my Mum, who is 85 and lives alone in Poynton. It wasn't like they were around the corner either.

There's some right twats around for sure, but on the other hand, some people are real gems they really are.
I can concur , people on here offered me help and i in turn have offered to help a few people

Sorry for my earlier post , had a bad night with the asthma last night , reminded me of the nights in march and another time that i was convinced i was going to die
I can concur , people on here offered me help and i in turn have offered to help a few people

Sorry for my earlier post , had a bad night with the asthma last night , reminded me of the nights in march and another time that i was convinced i was going to die
Sorry to hear that Karen - I hope you are feeling better?
With infection rates rising across the UK, the country is "not where we would want to be going into Christmas", a leading epidemiologist has warned.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4's World at One, Prof Neil Ferguson said trends were "disturbing" and warned the country was "heading into the worst time of year for transmission of respiratory viruses".

But he said there was some hope over the Christmas period with schools being closed.

"What we have seen is the rapid increase in cases in teenagers and younger children so there will be some dampening in transmission," the former government adviser said


The UK R number, the rate at which the virus is spread, has increased to between 1.1 and 1.2, the government has said.

Last week the rate was given as between 0.9 and 1.0.

A number above 1 means that the virus is spreading "exponentially".

The estimated R rate for England is between 1.1 and 1.3 with the east of England the worst affected, with a number between 1.2 and 1.4.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) said these estimates represent the transmission of Covid-19 over the past few weeks due to the time delay between someone being infected, having symptoms, and needing healthcare

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