COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Any news on the Oxford vaccine yet ?
Seems not though US has now approved two vaccines. This is not one.

Hoped those posts late last night were itk.

Guess we might know by now if true given the weekend.

This really is the most important thing we need right now. It would transform how fast we can reduce the inevitable deaths over the next few months.

That it is taking such time given how fast they OKayed the other one will inevitably cause some not to want it and say they will wait for more of the other as they will assume delay means doubt, even if it really just means following procedures.
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On the vaccine it is odd what they are doing with the current one. Hope this is safe. Each vial of the
of the vaccine we are giving out now is supposed to fill 5 doses. But they apparently discovered it includes enough to do six doses.

Up to now they have told doctors just to use the 5 doses and get rid of the 'waste'. Given the delays and urgency to get on with protecting the most vulnerable they have now told them to use the 'waste' as a sixth dose.

Though I am sure it has been assessed and is perfectly OK to do this I can imagine how some of the media will scare monger around that news,

Are YOU getting the vaccine leftovers?

When I presume it is all the same regardless.
Your wife is probably right if she had the PCR test! More and more evidence emerging around the world that its completely unreliable !

Don't believe everything the mainstream media are telling you ! They are no more correct on Covid than they are on football transfers!

Take care, hope you & your family have a much better Christmas than you expect right now.

I fully echo your wishes to Mrs Hairdoo and son for a swift and speedy recovery. But it is simple not true that the PCR test is completely unreliable . If two people from the same family particularly one with positive symptoms of covid are both testing positive the chances of them having covid are very very high indeed.
Seems not though US has now approved two vaccines. This is not one.

Hoped those posts late last night were itk.

Guess we might know by now if true given the weekend.

This really is the most important thing we need right now. It would transform how fast we can reduce the inevitable deaths over the next few months.

That it is taking such time given how fast they OKayed the other one will inevitably cause some not to want it and say they will wait for more of the other as they will assume delay means doubt, even if it really just means following procedures.
Maybe they needed more time (min two months? ) and a bigger (20k min vs 2.7k last time) and more representative sample to prove the 90+% efficacy of the half dose/then one dose later shots?
The ONS data says about 1% of the population of England had Covid last week. If it in most cases lasts 2 or 3 weeks and is as infective as it appears to be (all members of my family household who caught it did so within days of each other so likely mainly did so from each other) and these numbers keep happening has anyone now got a reasonable estimate of how many people of the 58 million or so have actually had it over the past 9 months?

Because more people in my family now definitely have or had what almost certainly was it in the first wave but were not tested then to think we ought to be near the point where more than half the nation has by now.

Is there going to be a tipping point where numbers start to be self limiting?
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Maybe they needed more time (min two months? ) and a bigger (20k min vs 2.7k last time) and more representative sample to prove the 90+% efficacy of the half dose/then one dose later shots?
I don't think anyone working there expected it to be more than just the two doses to be approved as it would be too risky to back the one that emerged by accident without more data.

But the two things can be dealt with separately surely?
I do wonder how they are going to vaccinate everyone, apparently they have done 175000 at that rate they said it would take 7 years to get to everyone. Now I know there will be more vaccination centres but it’s mind boggling when you have to do 60/70 million people!
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