COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Seen someone taking the piss out of London.

Those that think that’s appropriate maybe spare a thought for the thousands of lonely elderly people, who have waited months to see their families, have been suffering alone in care homes and small flats, for months on end, only for the day they’ve been waiting for to be taken away from them with 6 days ‘til the day.

Also think about the extra people who will lose family as a result of this variation.

It’s not the fault of all Londoners, the majority of which will have adhered to the rules.

Have a go at this diabolical government and the minority of dick heads ruining it for everyone, thinking cramming into shops is important.
Clearly this new variant is the differentiating factor, and the fact they are worried enough to shutdown the capital and cancel the biggest retail period of the year suggests the data coming out of Porton Down is very nasty indeed.
The cynic in me thinks that the capital should have been shut / in lockdown a while back, but as a huge percentage of folk finished for xmas (as did the schools) on Friday, today is the first day the govt felt able to do it.
I have to say I have sympathy with Boris and the government because this has become an impossible situation.

There's just no right answer to this.

Yes there fucking is.

The lesson was there before even the first lock down.

Act quickly. Put suppressing the virus as top priority. Track, trace, isolate.

This lot have again, again and once again:

1. Been slow to respond.

2. Made false promises of recovery.

3. Eased restrictions too fast.

4. Relied on an entirely false notion of compromise between virus suppression and the economy.

5. Ended up with more dead, harsher and longer restrictions and more economic damage as a result.

Same again today.

We have nearly the worst death toll *and* nearly the worst economic hit in the entire developed world. It's not bad luck. It's been an endless and total clusterfuck from the word go.
Seen someone taking the piss out of London.

Those that think that’s appropriate maybe spare a thought for the thousands of lonely elderly people, who have waited months to see their families, have been suffering alone in care homes and small flats, for months on end, only for the day they’ve been waiting for to be taken away from them with 6 days ‘til the day.

Also think about the extra people who will lose family as a result of this variation.

It’s not the fault of all Londoners, the majority of which will have adhered to the rules.

Have a go at this diabolical government and the minority of dick heads ruining it for everyone, thinking cramming into shops is important.
Totally agree that it’s out of order to take the piss. It was only last week that London were in a lower tier than us and suddenly they’re in a higher one - one that I didn’t even know existed until a few hours ago. That said, there was one poster on here several weeks back implying that the reason the infection numbers were higher up north is because we weren’t behaving ourselves while the southerners were!
Yes there fucking is.

The lesson was there before even the first lock down.

Act quickly. Put suppressing the virus as top priority. Track, trace, isolate.

This lot have again, again and once again:

1. Been slow to respond.

2. Made false promises of recovery.

3. Eased restrictions too fast.

4. Relied on an entirely false notion of compromise between virus suppression and the economy.

5. Ended up with more dead, harsher and longer restrictions and more economic damage as a result.

Same again today.

We have nearly the worst death toll *and* nearly the worst economic hit in the entire developed world. It's not bad luck. It's been an endless and total clusterfuck from the word go.

Largely, I agree with him. There isn't a specific right way.

What you have listed are that there are a whole load of wrong ways to do it, and the govt has done most of them.
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