COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I'm a bit confused with these messages about the jab giving immunity. I thought it didn't stop you catching it, or spreading it, it just hopefully made the symptoms less severe if you caught it.

These things aren't black and white. Once vaccinated, if you're exposed:

(1) you might defeat the virus so quickly it doesn't even enter a single cell in your body and replicate. Unlikely.

(2) You might defeat the virus after it replicates in a small number of cells, such that you would never test positive, and never infect anyone.

(3) You might defeat the virus before it replicates enough to give you symptoms, your viral load is enough to test positive, but you are barely if at all infectious to others.

(4) You might defeat the virus before it replicates enough to give you symptoms, but your viral load is enough to test positive, and you are infectious to others

(5) you might defeat the virus after you get symptoms, but before getting severe disease

(6) despite your vaccination, you still get severe disease, or die.

The primary end point of the trials being reported are symptomatic disease - whether it halts progression at or before step 4, and that's what is quoted as efficacy. 90% effective = 90% of infections never progress beyond step 4.

It's generally thought likely that as the results are so good (far better than hoped for), then it's likely transmission will be curtailed to some degree, maybe very significantly. But nobody knows for sure.
Result came back positive this morning :(

Had a bad cough and chills since Sunday.

Not a surprise after my wife and son tested positive a week ago.

Just goes to show how important it is for people to play their part on personal responsibility.

I tested negative along with my young daughter when we got the original test done.

We were six days into self-isolation but I just felt off, so relieved to know the score this time around.

It's another ten days now for all of us, until Dec 31.

At least it means three out of the four of us now have it and keeping daughter inside for effectively what will have been 16 days at the end of it, means I don't have to worry about hugging her on Xmas day.

Fucking schools, you won't find anyone more anal than me when it came to doing everything by the book and not seeing anyone for ten months :(
Sorry to hear this news. But you will all be fine hopefully. You have each other over Christmas which will help.

Would not be surprised if this is the new rapid spreader one because the NW % of cases being it versus the older ones has been shooting up since October and likely well over 25% by now. It was 17% over a week ago.

The members of my family that caught it recently had a similar experience and everyone in the household got it from one another within a week.

That is why this new version is such a problem. But happily no evidence it makes anyone more sick.

In some ways if it spreads this fast we might be at herd immunity in weeks not years. May be the best way to get this over along with the vaccines. As I doubt any government is now going to be able to contain this rampant strain as it is way past the point of that being feasible.

Stay safe, Look after one another.
According to Boris 500k have been vaccinated since they started, at current rates that would take 4.74 years to do the whole population. If you just take the over 70's which would exclude health workers it will take 7.5 months to vaccinate them all.

Things need to speed up before we start getting complacent.
I think the Telegraph said we would be vaccinating at 1m per week once GPs joined the distribution network. Oxford vaccine has been manufactured up front so supply would be less of a constraint
That's why I'm concerned the government are seeking tenders to roll out a health passport system and those not vaccinated will be denied access to certain areas of life. If the only thing the vaccine does is hopefully ease the symptoms of you catch it then a person not getting vaccinated impacts on nobody but themselves. Okay maybe the NHS if they have to be treated there. I'm not a conspiracy theorist as my sister and her husband have had it, but although it wasn't particularly pleasant they just rode it out at home. I just am concerned at this totalitarian control, if you don't comply you will be the modern equivalent of a leper.

The govt said specifically they wouldn't do this, have they changed their minds?

I think it's a question of balance. If sufficient people refuse vaccination, then vulnerable people who can't be vaccinated are forced to play Russian roulette with their health, or effectively confined. Better to confine those who have a choice, perhaps?

There's also the issue of health service demand if refusals are high as we'd likely get sporadic very high spikes as outbreaks emerged.

But to be honest, it would be a nice problem to have. Until we have enough vaccine for everyone, we're all at risk.
Ive just had a letter through the door sent by the Health Board and local authority about it

That is good, but i don't think letters alone would have been enough for people to isolate, social distance and follow other guidelines to reduce hospital admissions and deaths. The Media have played a massive part is achieving this.
Apparently 2.3 million people have already been vaccinated world wide.

The UK is only third in the numbers at half a million.

China 1 million (long way to go there though) and US despite starting later than here 556,000.

But 500K considering the size of this country v US and China is probably by far the biggest % vaccinated (well HALF vaccinated, of course).
Apparently 2.3 million people have already been vaccinated world wide.

The UK is only third in the numbers at half a million.

China 1 million (long way to go there though) and US despite starting later than here 556,000.

But 500K considering the size of this country v US and China is probably by far the biggest % vaccinated (well HALF vaccinated, of course).

Both have access to their own vaccines.
1m a wk is still 6 mths to do all on the 1st priority list. Sure i remember reading eventually they want 3 to 4 million a week done.

China anounced they are hopefull to vacinate over 50 million citizens by the lunar new year on feb 12th with the 3 vacines developed there.

That is pracrically our population done in 7 weeks.

Whether they suceed is another thing
The way in which the tiers are patently not working to contain the spread is exactly what I expected and feared.

Scientist on BBC juat now saying that it is spreading from tier 4 to tier 3 to tier 2 and worrying.

It will as I keep saying.

Tiers just do not work. They are like sieves. We have known this since Wigan in July. Only the same rules for all prevent cheating and cheating of the rules is now as big a factor in spreading the virus as this new mutation.

We need and have always needed full lockdown for the UK. End of story. Every day we dither as always we do on this is making it worse and will mean it has to last longer.

So those saying - but the economy....the economy will be worse if we are in lockdown for weeks longer because we dither on this.

Utterly fed up that this is so obvious and yet politicians ignore the evidence and the science over and over.

This country right now reminds me of Nero when Rome was burning. Whilst that was made up to make him look bad. This situation needs nothing made up unfortunately.
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