COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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link please

not sure why the 3rd link is 'StackPath' but its Institute for Govt website

as cases fall and testing increases. Voluntary and random sample testing will come and will be a good way of controlling the virus

up until then then the rules are clear you have to have symptoms, not fake them , to get a test.
Or be employed in a care home were cyclic testing (when available) is now in place looking for asymptomatic cases.

thanks they really are a bunch of fucking idiots . If they needed more testing all they had to do was tell people in the daily press conference to go and get a test even if no symptoms.

they really are the biggest bunch of utter shite in the history of shite.
Interesting part of the debate although (from a quick look up) James Delingpole appears to be a bit of mischievous right wing wind up merchant (I don't know much about him). I pick up on these on the odd group chat by some utterly convinced this is a global conspiracy (and not the alien abduction types).
Looking into these two there's a bit of climate change denial mashed in too. Also there's the comparison (as usual) with Sweden's lockdown). Interesting to hear other views - Alistair Haines isn't a daft bloke by any means.

And a piece by Alistair Haines:
Yeah, there's some quarters suggesting that we treat the testing and contact tracing like a morning after pill almost, go about our business and then just get checked afterwards.

On the one hand that would increase trade and reduce stress, but on the other leaves scope for increased infection rates and exposure of those at risk and relies heavily on a very fast test and trace system 24/7.
Scottish case data up first as usual.

50 cases (0.9%) - 15 from Grampian

248 in hospital ( - 6) and 2 in ICU (-1)

There were 0 deaths BUT they have added one from April to the total now confirmed as Covid related.

Not sure if that counts in the UK total under the new rules but am assumimg it will.
Comparing week to week last week Scotland had 0 deaths, 47 new cases and 265 were in hospital and 3 in ICU on ventilators. The cases are up 3, the hospital numbers down 17 and happily the icu down 1 to its lowest number ever.
More than 90% of the Grampian contacts over past 3 days have been traced. Boris did say Scotland was going to have a world beating track and trace - didn't he?
England hospital data out early and it is just a little concerning. The highest Wednesday number for 3 weeks.

15 deaths - which is actually also the highest for a while full stop.

Hopefully just a blip (numbers will go up and down) but a lot of deaths catching up over recent days as all 15 are from the past 10 days and all but one from the past 5 days.

4 were from the NW - same as last week when it was 4 from just 6 deaths in total.
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