COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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So the UK total deaths today is the England total of 15. (16 if the Scottish case from 4 months ago counts). Last week it was 11.

Cases without England are at 105 v 84 last week.

Which may not bode well for England later.

We will see.
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Meanwhile, Matt Hancock has announced plans to roll out regular mass testing for the entire population, regardless of condition, to help restore normal life, but was unable to put a timescale on the target

My son sent for a kit by post it arrived the next day and he sent the swab back immediately. Got it as a precaution because somebody he had met in his local was at a venue the day before which has now been closed due to a staff member getting the virus.
Meanwhile, Matt Hancock has announced plans to roll out regular mass testing for the entire population, regardless of condition, to help restore normal life, but was unable to put a timescale on the target

Yes he referenced the 10 minute test I posted and you said was useless on Friday.
I don't HAVE a narrative. Not sure why you think I do.

Basically I just collate and post the data. If I comment around them I do so much as I just have above regarding the England death figures. To put them in context of up/down/trends etc. Not a reason why - though I may give some alternative options for what is happening (there is usually more than one) - which is always going to be part guesswork in the way the actual numbers usually are not.

I know some on here do have a point to prove or political argument to make. I dont. I react to events and say if I feel we are doing things wrong. But recognise this is an unprecedented global event and everyone is reacting to events and learning on the job.

So I stick by the numbers and whatever I think and may occasionally say is just a personal view of what is happening. No more or less valid than anyone else.

I really do not have a narrative. Other than optimism we will somehow get this right and we can reclaim some semblance of normality sooner rather than later. But that aspiration always has to be teamed with caution as the virus unfolds around us.
Top man
I posted the other day the americans saying kids over ten spread it the same as adults,also they have huge spread in kids being back at schools and camps,i dont know hancock said the other day there is no evidence in the world that itgoes up when kids go backto school,there is plenty from america,loads of schools and colleges going back to remote learning

Children are ‘silent super-spreaders’ of Covid-19, according to new research.They can carry larger amounts of the virus than adults left fighting for their lives - yet show no symptoms, say scientists.This makes them particularly contagious to family members - such as vulnerable grannies and grandads, warn scientists

Never said it was useless,we have heard it all before with this type of test,according to you we had reliable one five months ago,we have spent a fortune on bad tests so far

It's a saliva test for whether someone has the virus at the time of doing it. Nothing like this has ever been near the market up until this point so you are clearly getting mixed up. This gives an instant result and can be fully administered by the person taking the test.

The one 5 months ago was an antibody test that is still being used to this day so can't have been that bad. That was done by extracting blood and the results developed in a lab.
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