Covid: Personal views

When friends and family I don't see often ask how I am, I tell them I'm not too good, they ask what's wrong and I can't tell them. People don't want to hear it any more. It's 'long COVID' but i just get that look as if they're saying "bullshit".

*edit...I just wish I was in their position to think "bullshit".

Sadly after a lot of the nonsense which came with Covid it has many believing it wasn't a thing to begin with. Hang in there blue.
Not really mate. You?
Nah..worse this year, mate. I've just had a PIP assessment on the phone. It's a weird situation trying to convince somebody you're ill. A bit humiliating, really. And then they'll probably ignore everything I told them and refuse me.
Nah..worse this year, mate. I've just had a PIP assessment on the phone. It's a weird situation trying to convince somebody you're ill. A bit humiliating, really. And then they'll probably ignore everything I told them and refuse me.
Good luck. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. Daughter is a little better and back to work intermittently. Son is no better and has kind of slipped into his own cocoon. Infrequent comms with us and we are torn between insisting we visit and just giving him peace. There doesn’t seem to be much activity to get to the root of the condition either.
I’m here if you ever need to share or rant.
Good luck. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. Daughter is a little better and back to work intermittently. Son is no better and has kind of slipped into his own cocoon. Infrequent comms with us and we are torn between insisting we visit and just giving him peace. There doesn’t seem to be much activity to get to the root of the condition either.
I’m here if you ever need to share or rant.
Thnks mate. It's good to know there are others (that sounds bad but you know what I mean haha)...
Keep a check on your son's mental health...mine has been up and down. Sometimes even thoughts of wanting to end it all. I wont...i don't want to die, but the thoughts get in there. Often just a chat changes my way of thinking. It's hard to think positive at times.
When friends and family I don't see often ask how I am, I tell them I'm not too good, they ask what's wrong and I can't tell them. People don't want to hear it any more. It's 'long COVID' but i just get that look as if they're saying "bullshit".

*edit...I just wish I was in their position to think "bullshit".
Having taken over a year to recover from what seemed a pretty mild illness at the time I don't think it's bullshit.
For myself, having a close family member with COPD means I test for it to be considerate of them. If I have it then I avoid passing on a virus that could hit them for 6. I imagine there will be reasons for many that still may test for it but for the majority you are right, just treat it like a normal virus.
Pretty much squares with my situation that. I tested positive just before Christmas (for the 4th time) but my dad was in a care home at the time with severe COPD, heart failure, an enlarged prostate, and Asbestosis, and that's pretty much the only reason that I tested really. Anyway, I didn't go anywhere near the care home until I was clear of it - it was barely a sniffle for me but no way was I risking passing it on to anyone in there.

Fast forward tomorrow and it's my dad's funeral. One cousin who was planning on coming up for it from Sussex has tested positive this morning and is having to give it a miss as there will be plenty of elderly attendees with serious health issues (including her own mother who has dementia and COPD). It's the sensible thing to do IMO.
Why you testing for it? Does it make you do anything different? I think I got it coming back from Tenerife a few weeks ago I was rough for about 10 days had an ear infection as well I think which didn’t help or may have been part of it. Thing is I just treated it like any other virus.
You're right mate.Tested for it because Mrs. Dobber insisted,and,you know,anything to keep the peace!!
Anyway,had a couple of hours in bed and just put away a pork and mushroom vindalo which has had a more beneficial effect than paracetamol.I now intend to follow your advice and treat it with the contempt which it deserves.
Dear Grunge...

Thank you for posting this thread! Your questions about the origin of COVID and the possible US involvement... is, frankly, refreshing!

I'm sick and tired of logical expert opinion on this matter - and am 100% open to wild, evidence-free ruminations such as yours, as long as it supports my beliefs. Facts are irrelevant!

I particularly enjoyed your novel use of the English language: Did they leave a present on there way out to prove a point as to why the USA needed a pandemic preparedness program? " Bam!!! - I thought that this thread would require intellectual effort, but as a lazy thinker, I see that you're with me!

God bless you Grunge! With any luck, all the scientists will die off in the next few centuries, and we'll be able to engage in 100% religious fundamentalism!

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