Crawley fan arrested for upsetting the scum

Pigeonho said:
danburge82 said:
He's been arrested and banned for that?! FUCK OFF!
If it was in the street then fine. What you have to realise though, (not saying I agree with it), is that this is an official Crawley Town release of a song from their FA Cup match. On that official video you have a 'fan' of theirs doing plane crash actions. If Crawley didn't act, they would get hammered for it, and rightly so.

But the actions are a tad OTT..... maybe a ban just to be seen to take action but to go running to the rozzers is beyond a joke and a waste of tax payers money.

As I said before, if they are so precious about one of their fans upsetting other clubs ....... then why wasn't action taken when their manager called our owners "idiot arabs" ...... all they did then was to distance themselves from the comments rather than sack the backhand taking scumbag.
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
Pigeonho said:
If it was in the street then fine. What you have to realise though, (not saying I agree with it), is that this is an official Crawley Town release of a song from their FA Cup match. On that official video you have a 'fan' of theirs doing plane crash actions. If Crawley didn't act, they would get hammered for it, and rightly so.

But the actions are a tad OTT..... maybe a ban just to be seen to take action but to go running to the rozzers is beyond a joke and a waste of tax payers money.

As I said before, if they are so precious about one of their fans upsetting other clubs ....... then why wasn't action taken when their manager called our owners "idiot arabs" ...... all they did then was to distance themselves from the comments rather than sack the backhand taking scumbag.
It is OTT for the police to be involved, but its all about PR and face for me, this incident anyway. Bottom line is though the little dick shouldn't have done plane crash actions on an official club video, an official club video for his clubs biggest ever game. He's young though, he'll learn
Pigeonho said:
Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
But the actions are a tad OTT..... maybe a ban just to be seen to take action but to go running to the rozzers is beyond a joke and a waste of tax payers money.

As I said before, if they are so precious about one of their fans upsetting other clubs ....... then why wasn't action taken when their manager called our owners "idiot arabs" ...... all they did then was to distance themselves from the comments rather than sack the backhand taking scumbag.
It is OTT for the police to be involved, but its all about PR and face for me, this incident anyway. Bottom line is though the little dick shouldn't have done plane crash actions on an official club video, an official club video for his clubs biggest ever game. He's young though, he'll learn
Thats why the supposed lifetime ban is harsh, 10 years later he'll look might look back, realise he was a tit, but still unable to go to watch crawly. I remeber bieng shocked when i read a CoMS pitch invader had got a lifetime ban.
a.woollam said:
Pigeonho said:
It is OTT for the police to be involved, but its all about PR and face for me, this incident anyway. Bottom line is though the little dick shouldn't have done plane crash actions on an official club video, an official club video for his clubs biggest ever game. He's young though, he'll learn
Thats why the supposed lifetime ban is harsh, 10 years later he'll look might look back, realise he was a tit, but still unable to go to watch crawly. I remeber bieng shocked when i read a CoMS pitch invader had got a lifetime ban.

He'll probably start supporting us.

Come on in dickhead, the water's great!!
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Swales lives said:
I know even mentioning the M*nich word (sponsored by AIG) is distasteful.
But getting arrested for it??? Okay I know it's in the Rag heartlands of Crawley,
but it seems a trifle over the top to me.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Better arrest all those sad rag wankers that do it to us at every game then
Getting arrested?! That word shouldn't be used anyway but to get arrested for it takes it to a new level! I remember a guy doing it in the United end a few derbies ago...why doesn't he get arrested? Why don't all United fans mocking Foe get arrested?

The football worlds gone mad, you can't say the Mu..... word, don't even mention the 5-1 or the World Cup 66, oh sorry its not anything to do with Germany, my mistake. But you get one Rag cu@t ordering and wearing a Utnit shite top with 96 not enough across the back and its in the news for one day!! but low and behold 54 years fucking later the tw@ts are still playing on it, you can't have it all ways. I never sing the MU songs and I was one of those running around the Kippax in the 70's but for gods sake but it to bed its over, you have had 54 years of sympathy. I bet people can't even rember who the last troops to die over seas were. Get over it and move on we all do when we lose someone.

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