Crawley fan arrested for upsetting the scum

Kakhaber Tskhadadze K.O.T.A. said:
the kippax wall said:
Oh eye... and the song 'always look out for Turks carrying knives' is about the bloke that slices Kebabs in the take away next to Lou Macaris chippy. It would be the same as some dickhead going to Eastlands with a 'Munich Blues' flag, but that would'nt happen.

errrrmmmm ..... I think Pige was being sarcastic ....... but I could be wrong.
I wasn't actually mate. It would be different if one of our fans walked into The Skip with a flag containing shitty references to Munich. I am sure if the powers that be at United thought the 'Istanbul Reds' flag was something sinister, they would have looked into it by now. If they have done that, maybe they have found it belongs to a Turk who is from Istanbul and who supports United? I too could be wrong though.
What about all the rags at the derby who were pretending to be aeroplanes, why weren't they arrested?? Typical hypocritical red twats. Give it but can't take it, is it any wonder they sing that cringey arrogant shit 'we do what we want'............of course they do because everyone is scared up upsetting them. This is what makes them so hated by everyone
r.soleofsalford said:
Gray said:
No wonder the vast majority have no respect for the Police Force these days or for that matter the whole of the judicial system.

Lets spend our time over trivialities and motoring offences instead of keeping Law & Order and catching criminals.

the police are led by the nose by our governments

Of course they are, the government make the laws and give directions. As for the post above that, the police are duty bound to investigate this if a complaint is made. The Rag who complained is at fault here, not the police
Eds said:
What about all the rags at the derby who were pretending to be aeroplanes, why weren't they arrested?? Typical hypocritical red twats. Give it but can't take it, is it any wonder they sing that cringey arrogant shit 'we do what we want'............of course they do because everyone is scared up upsetting them. This is what makes them so hated by everyone
They sing it because it gets on peoples nerves. Course, they don't actually do what they want, its just because certain fans believe they do, and can. The reality is its just another song to piss opposition fans off.
It saddens me to say, but it paints a perfect picture of english youth today. Absolutely no respect at all to anything. It all comes down to chavy paents who have no idea how to bring up kids.
Didn't notice him at first, was busy watching that guy in the suit at the front dancing :) but what a daft country we live in if someone gets arrested for that.
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
r.soleofsalford said:
the police are led by the nose by our governments

Of course they are, the government make the laws and give directions. As for the post above that, the police are duty bound to investigate this if a complaint is made. The Rag who complained is at fault here, not the police

What has he been arrested for?
PSmyth07 said:
Didn't notice him at first, was busy watching that guy in the suit at the front dancing :) but what a daft country we live in if someone gets arrested for that.

haha same
nashark said:
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
Of course they are, the government make the laws and give directions. As for the post above that, the police are duty bound to investigate this if a complaint is made. The Rag who complained is at fault here, not the police

What has he been arrested for?
Someone made a complaint about it, therefore the Police have to follow it up. If no-one made a complaint about it, he wouldn't have been arrested, (thats how I see it anyway). Getting arrested is way over the top, and an obvious waste of Police time, but lets have it right, the guy is a fucking idiot for doing that, especially the 'plane coming down' action. Hopefully he'll get a few digs to the jaw and that'll be that.
I had to watch that twice to clock him and even then if i didnt get told it was him i would of missed it. However once you clock him its very obvious what he is up to. what a fucking clown.

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