Cristiano Ronaldo

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City only in the picture this week. He was offered to PSG, and to United. Both not getting him, then City this week (in case of Kane). Think plenty articles and journos covering it. You really think Mendes would be offering his most reputable client wanting out to just one club?
I can't say that i have read anywhere that he's been offered to other clubs, that was my original concern.
Someone pointed this out to me earlier, but it hadn't occurred to me before and it really made me laugh.

Arguably United's all time great front three of Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez. Certainly of the PL era. The front three many rags grew up idolising and fawning over.

One of them left for us, another put in two transfer requests to try and join us from them, and their ultimate and final golden boy, the plater they expected to return to them one day to a hero's welcome.. is trying to force through a move to lickle Citeh before deadline day.

It really is absolutely priceless. Tainted memories all over the shop.

If he does sign I hope Deansgate are on standby for the ad.

Saw this tweet it’s just funny

He's got what, 5 days to make it work? Think that's the bigger issue.
Thankfully hes the best agent in the business. This deal has also been in the works for a lot longer, we were seeing Ronaldo rumors weeks ago but the reply was "City interested in Kane only".

All relevant parties will know what the deal is, it looks like we might have just decided to go with it.
On red cafe last night some bloke called him "evil" for even considering it.
One of my mates is flat out refusing it will ever happen as Ronaldo just wouldn't do it to United. Showed him many quotes of reputable journos saying Ronaldo is the one pushing it and he's just refusing to believe any of it haha.
Really want this to happen.
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