Crowd Banner/Flag

Swales lives said:
biffa said:
Swales lives said:
BlueRoscoe said:
Simple Font, Longer Banner, Same Message:


Thinking bolder condensed type, like this (Helveticea Neue Black Extra Condensed).
Getting type to look right isn't as easy as people may think.

Can i be at the unveiling ceremony please ?
Hi, i've not really been following this much, but can i just suggest why not have Won't instead of don't?

We won't forget out past
You won't forget our future

Can i be at the unveiling ceremony please ?

Colins Bellend, Thanks for The Great Slogan, I Think We Make A Great Team, As Writer and Designer LOL, Could I Be There Too?
chorleybloo123 said:
BlueRoscoe said:

Can i be at the unveiling ceremony please ?

Colins Bellend, Thanks for The Great Slogan, I Think We Make A Great Team, As Writer and Designer LOL, Could I Be There Too?

It's 1894 pal. (Unless you mean pre-Manchester City, ie Gorton.)

Yeh, we gotta count that, we all remember them good old days anyway, black kits etc
Think were all being selfish, i know the rags have banners slagging us an all that but who gives a fuck about them. I think we should have a banner hung up perminatly at the ground paid for by us as as a thank you to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan.

If it wasnt for this guy buying us we would be in the champioship now, even worse folded.
allan harper said:
Think were all being selfish, i know the rags have banners slagging us an all that but who gives a fuck about them. I think we should have a banner hung up perminatly at the ground paid for by us as as a thank you to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan.

If it wasnt for this guy buying us we would be in the champioship now, even worse folded.

Totally agree this guy deserves a big thanks! I would willingly donate.
Trigger said:
allan harper said:
Think were all being selfish, i know the rags have banners slagging us an all that but who gives a fuck about them. I think we should have a banner hung up perminatly at the ground paid for by us as as a thank you to Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">If it wasnt for this guy buying us we would be in the champioship now, even worse folded.
<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Totally agree this guy deserves a big thanks! I would willingly donate.

Agree completely, as long as it is not something too sycophantic

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