Crystal Palace (h) pre-match thread

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All trains from Preston are into Victoria today. What's the best way to the ground from there? Are there trams from Victoria?
If the trams are going to Ashton they'll stop at the stadium. If they go to Sale or Altrincham then get off at Primark and walk a few minutes to Piccadilly Gardens to get the Ashton bound trams.
RB Zabba (if rumors of selling him to milan or other Serie A squads is true, the price would be better if they see him play)
CB Sagna
CB Ota
LB Clichy

RM Navas
AM Silva
DM Delph
LM Sterling

F Kun
F Nacho

Plan to bring:
Yaya/DeBrun - if attacking needs a boost
Fernando - if we take a 2 goal lead and want to play defensive
Kolorov/MDM - final 15-20 if we need to protect a 1 goal lead (replacing a forward and adding a 5th defensive player)

YaYa needs a rest, it seems MP understands this concept, which is why he had Silva on the bench mid-week.
Didn't Demichelis just have his best game at CB?
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