Crystal Palace (h) pre-match thread

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I am struggling to go into any match at the moment with huge amounts of confidence almost regardless of opposition if I'm honest. They seem to have slipped a bit recently and I thought there were some promising signs for us last weekend and to some extent in the second half on Wednesday so I'd like to think we can get the three points. Personally I'd like us to start without Yaya and see how we can do without him especially as he played on Wednesday so no doubt he will be blowing out of his arse after ten minutes, but that's not going to happen. I anticipate something similar to Swansea at home and Norwich at home with us nicking a win.
I am really hoping for another clean sheet.

It would take us to 10 clean sheets in the league which would be pretty good considering our defensive displays this season, plus after having two in a row so far up to now it can only help us going forward.
about time we played 2 up front Kun & sterling or nacho , dropped yaya to speed our attacks up , we are too laboured in our approach play , tippy tappy football is nice on the eye and is great for possession stats , but it is not winning games , lets get at palace from the start , Kolarov and Zabs with Sterling and Navas tearing down the wings and getting plenty crosses in for the strikers , not arsed about a clean sheet , would rather have 4-2 win than a 2-0 , we have the players , its the manager who is holding this team back , with his predictable team selections. HART - ZABS , SAGNA , OTTO , KOLAROV + NAVAS , KDB , DELPH , SILVA - KUN, STERLING or IHEANACHO
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