CSKA Post Match Thread

Spot on from the telegraph

Read and learn:

"The Champions League is the pinnacle of club football. Just ask Manchester United, who are having to watch from the outside this season.

But rather than approach Champions League fixtures with excitement and anticipation, the mood at Manchester City is one of apathy.

It is true that City cannot draw on the decades of European history that United and Liverpool possess, but that does not excuse the lack of atmosphere and passion, on and off the pitch at the Etihad.

Against Roma, there were 8,000 empty seats and while the stadium was full against CSKA thanks to a two-for-one ticket offer, the noise levels were on mute, save for the outbreak of anti-Uefa chanting and the booing of the Champions League anthem.

The sense of injustice towards Uefa, over FFP and the seeding system, has created a persecution complex which has become unhealthy.

There is no love for the Champions League at City, it almost feels like a burden, but the club must learn to embrace it rather than rail against the organisation that runs it. "

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-city/11212826/Five-reasons-why-Manchester-City-are-rubbish-in-the-Champions-League.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... eague.html</a>
First post and I have watched the forum for the last 3 Champions League Campaigns so I have finally decided to post.

I would also like to apologise for my first post being critical but I would like to add my comments as an outsider.

First you should disregard the motion that Uefa are out to get you. Every team gets decisions against them every year. It happens so you need to get over this.

Secondly the money injection....When big teams get a massive money injection the fans all of a sudden feel the team has this absurd divine right to win every competition. Chelsea felt the same and they simply won the league and a few cups every so often but of course the Champions league eluded them for so long. Now it is your turn to learn you don't win it all right away. You may win the league, the cup etc but the Champions League is different. It takes years of taking part, learning and gaining experience. Take your new group buddies Bayern for example. Yes they have had decades of experience but they had to reach the final 3 times before they won it again. They learned every year and they got better. You must do the same.

Lastly the players...Give them time for heavens sake. They are essentially a bunch of mercenaries thrown together over the last few years and you expect them to give you a champions league? Crack on if you think throwing millions at it will make it any better but give them time to get to know each other. They will gel eventually but give them time. I know patience is a bizarre thing to the Premier League but give it a go?

Don't boycott games or anything daft like that. Get behind your team and support them.

oh and you have a good manager who needs time, give him it.
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched the 2nd half again, and we were OK and should have won without the nefarious refereeing decisions.
Its a corrupt competition, with a corrupt draw and last night corrupt officials.
If it was just a competition with the Champions of each National League playing one another, rather than a wankfest for the Blazers with lots of teams of also rans, I could be arsed.
So come on City. Smash QPR at the weekend and please let the Dippers beat Maureens lot !
we played better in 2nd half due to pellers playin the better side which he should av done from the start but fucked it back up when he changed it back when edin came on
pml79 said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched the 2nd half again, and we were OK and should have won without the nefarious refereeing decisions.
Its a corrupt competition, with a corrupt draw and last night corrupt officials.
If it was just a competition with the Champions of each National League playing one another, rather than a wankfest for the Blazers with lots of teams of also rans, I could be arsed.
So come on City. Smash QPR at the weekend and please let the Dippers beat Maureens lot !
we played better in 2nd half due to pellers playin the better side which he should av done from the start but fucked it back up when he changed it back when edin came on
When Edin came on CSKA immediately subbed in another defender also. Plus we were play with men down.
noise said:
pml79 said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched the 2nd half again, and we were OK and should have won without the nefarious refereeing decisions.
Its a corrupt competition, with a corrupt draw and last night corrupt officials.
If it was just a competition with the Champions of each National League playing one another, rather than a wankfest for the Blazers with lots of teams of also rans, I could be arsed.
So come on City. Smash QPR at the weekend and please let the Dippers beat Maureens lot !
we played better in 2nd half due to pellers playin the better side which he should av done from the start but fucked it back up when he changed it back when edin came on
When Edin came on CSKA immediately subbed in another defender also. Plus we were play with men down.
after edin came on we went down to 10 then 9 but if pellers had started with that side that started the second half im prettý sure we wouldnt av bn 2-1 down n fightin an uphill battle
noise said:
pml79 said:
G-Star Medium Rare said:
Just watched the 2nd half again, and we were OK and should have won without the nefarious refereeing decisions.
Its a corrupt competition, with a corrupt draw and last night corrupt officials.
If it was just a competition with the Champions of each National League playing one another, rather than a wankfest for the Blazers with lots of teams of also rans, I could be arsed.
So come on City. Smash QPR at the weekend and please let the Dippers beat Maureens lot !
we played better in 2nd half due to pellers playin the better side which he should av done from the start but fucked it back up when he changed it back when edin came on
When Edin came on CSKA immediately took their keeper off.
C-Hop25 said:
Spot on from the telegraph

Read and learn:

"The Champions League is the pinnacle of club football. Just ask Manchester United, who are having to watch from the outside this season.

But rather than approach Champions League fixtures with excitement and anticipation, the mood at Manchester City is one of apathy.

It is true that City cannot draw on the decades of European history that United and Liverpool possess, but that does not excuse the lack of atmosphere and passion, on and off the pitch at the Etihad.

Against Roma, there were 8,000 empty seats and while the stadium was full against CSKA thanks to a two-for-one ticket offer, the noise levels were on mute, save for the outbreak of anti-Uefa chanting and the booing of the Champions League anthem.

The sense of injustice towards Uefa, over FFP and the seeding system, has created a persecution complex which has become unhealthy.

There is no love for the Champions League at City, it almost feels like a burden, but the club must learn to embrace it rather than rail against the organisation that runs it. "

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-city/11212826/Five-reasons-why-Manchester-City-are-rubbish-in-the-Champions-League.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... eague.html</a>

Sorry massive rant here, I think our fans have been an absolute joke.

Yes UEFA have hamstrung us this year but next year we will have zero restriction and it won't matter, what is the problem with people, are you all on drugs??? This is supposed to be our chance to beat UEFA and try to win this competition to make this club great so what do our fans do! Cry like babies about refereeing decisions which were more or less justified. Yaya should of been sent off, Nasri should of been sent off, Fernandinho was arguable. Then we say we aren't bothered and just want to concentrate on a poxy league that we have won twice in 3 years or some mickey mouse cup.

And as for corruption, yes we maybe should of had a penalty, yes they should also of had a player sent off. Does this so called corruption explain why we cannot defend a free kick in the 3rd minute of the game - NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Does it explain why they get a player clean through to score their 2nd - NO!!!!!!!!

Some on here need to get it in their heads that we can forget the Champions League because we are not good enough to be in it! We are not good enough to beat Bayern, not good enough to beat Roma and we have not been good enough to beat a poxy Russian team in CSKA Moscow who last night didn't even have any fans!!!!!!! Instead we saw a disgraceful performance where we hacked away at the game and got frustrated, wtf is that all about??

What is going on at this club it's an absolute joke, last year was a great year and now it has gone completely to pot which has shown from the players to the fans and we are so full of anger, frustration and this painful, negative attitude is going to cost us every single trophy this year.

Let's face it too, the only reason people on here want to concentrate on the league is because of United, we want to ensure we always stay ahead of them. You know what, I would let the scum win the league if it meant a good shot at the Champions League because that is the pinnacle, it is the highest any European club can go and we are failing miserably, WHY aren't people bothered about that??? I am absolutely gutted at our performance in the Champions League and yes the Premier League would be great to win but we've done it??! I'm not arsed about winning it again, I want to win something better and see this club become a real great, the team everyone fears in Europe.

Some need to stop this small club mentality and think of the bigger picture. You win the Champions League and you are the best in Europe, you can win the Premier League any year, who gives a toss? We have won the Premier League twice now and to be honest I'm sick of these attitudes that we should stick the Champions League and just buy who we want to win the Premier League every year. What kind of mentality is that, on those attitudes I wouldn't be surprised if the Sheikh packed up and bogged off and sent us back to the 2nd division.

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