Customer Service:

Here we go and still looking good 10 week later It was £1.50 for four mats and a pound for the sticky spray.Oak Furniture Land £500.
Everyone that calls at our flat compliments.
Taken five minutes ago.


I'm loving the spider killer Taxi. Can't you just catch the poor furry eight legged mites in a glass and allow them the freedom of your lawn?
On a serious note - financial services...... banks closing branches - outsourcing call centres and now the FCA refusing to release the report that effectively spills the beans on how RBS fucked its customers over and put some out of business - probably coz it will ring a bell with customers of other banks who feel hard done to - PPI all over again?

I work in insurance - there's one waiting to happen. Loads of stuff outsourced overseas - South Africa getting in on the act now and going into battle with India to nick jobs. Then there's claims........... stripped back to the core in the last couple of years on the basis that its been quiet. The next bout of serious flooding or freezing should be interesting when customers ask why their insurer took their money but cannot provide the service they expected when its needed - kinda what insurance is about.
I will one day write a book about my experiences with those cunts BT. Way, way, way beyond mere shite, inept or useless.
I'm happy to contribute a
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few chapters. Instead of "Get it right first time" their default position appears to be "Get it wrong first time then make some fucking excuse as to why we couldn't do it right in the first place or put it right now". I rang them to cancel Sky Sports just over a ago
I will one day write a book about my experiences with those cunts BT. Way, way, way beyond mere shite, inept or useless.
Put me down as co-author. They're utterly fucking useless. Whereas most customer-facing organisations' motto will be "Get it right first time for our customers" theirs appears to be "Get it wrong first time then come up with all sorts of excuses as to why (a) we couldn't do it right first time and (b) why we can't put it right now." I have at least got some compensation out of them for their latest cock-up.

Anyway, this thread gives me the chance to tell my oft-told story about customer service. Back in the 1990's I worked for a company that was very slick and prided itself on its customer service. However news of this hadn't quite filtered through to our hardware wallahs in Technical Services. We had a help-desk but the directors insisted on ringing straight through to TSD if they had a problem. Such calls normally involved a lot of bowing & scraping, "yes sir, no sir, whatever you say sir" etc. One day, they'd all gone to the pub at lunchtime and left the most junior member of the team to cover. The phone rang and he picked it up saying "Yeah, what d'yer want?" Unfortunately it was the Sales Director who wanted to speak to one of the senior guys about a problem. Instead of saying "He's in a meeting but I'll get him to call you right back" Wayne said "He's in the pub". At this particular moment I was in a meeting with the IT director and his phone rang with said Sales Director not happy. So as a result we all had to attend a 2-day Customer Service course, which was held at a hotel near Warrington.

It started at 9am so we arrived before then but couldn't get our room keys as it was too early. So we checked in, left our bags then were told to pick up our keys after the course finished for the day. I went back to reception at 6 to get my key and without me saying anything the receptionist said "Hello Mr Savage, your room number is 123 and here's your key". I was staggered and said "Wow that's amazing. We're here on a customer service course and you've just called me by name but I checked in ten hours ago. How did you remember my name?". "The receptionist smiled and said "It's on the name tag you've got on your jacket". Cue everyone pissing themselves laughing and me feeling like a right dick.
I decided to go with sky rather than virgin,booked a day off work waiting for the installation and the fuckers never turned up , I phoned them up,they had a problem with a van blah blah blah they apologised and said they would be round at the next convenient day, i rearranged for them to come on a rest day ,they never showed up again, same shit problem at the factory or whatever it was, rearranged, they didn't show again ,i spoke to someone high up this time ,they assured me they would come and that I would get a discount as a way of apology fair enough,they turned up,took one look at my house (town house) said they would need scaffolding because of health and safety ,they fucked off,i was fucking livid ,anyway it turned out they couldn't install it because of the type of house or whatever shite they said ,oh really I said looking at my next door neighbour's sky dish .

a few months later I was in stockport and there was a sky man selling sky there ,he stopped me and I gave him both fucking barrels I went fucking mental at him,hahaha
Just a brief snippet from possibly (no, actually is) the worst Garage I have ever dealt with. Bear in mind this was a Fiat Garage that the car was bought from. My last visit was to have the wifes Fiat 500 serviced. Dropped it off at 08.30, picked it up at 17.00. 'All done but you will need to bring it back later in the week'. Why is that I reasonably asked? 'It needs a headlight bulb and we don't have one in stock'. That was bad enough, but the response was shocking, not one of them gave a toss. The manager eventually told me he didn't like my attitude. Should have given him a bunch of fives and see how he likes that but I am a bit old for that caper...
I'm loving the spider killer Taxi. Can't you just catch the poor furry eight legged mites in a glass and allow them the freedom of your lawn?

We have a can in each room mate.
I have done the born free foundation stuff and got her to take them outside but as soon as your back is turned the trotskyite squatters just come back in again.

If you acheive a direct one second burst hit they do nothing for around 30 seconds then all of them to a man start abseiling down toward the floor and are proper disoriantated.
If you spray the room were they are hiding then after two minutes they all give the positions away and come out coughing.
A direct hit kills make no mistake.This stuff is the dogs bollocks of Borris bashing.

Spider season is upon us and soon the little blighters will not be little any more ..most of them come October will be massive.
Daily we spray around the windows and door ways.They will not cross the scent as it is so toxic.
Effectively you are creating a humane barrier to keep them out.
For the plugholes and waste traps use neat bleach daily.
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We have a can in each room mate.
I have done the born free foundation stuff and got her to take them outside but as soon as your back is turned the trotskyite squatters just come back in again.

If you acheive a direct one second burst hit they do nothing for around 30 seconds then all of them to a man start abseiling down toward the floor and are proper disoriantated.
If you spray the room were they are hiding then after two minutes they all give the positions away and come out coughing.
A direct hit kills make no mistake.This stuff is the dogs bollocks of Borris bashing.

Spider season is upon us and soon the little blighters will not be little any more ..most of them come October will be massive.
Daily we spray around the windows and door ways.They will not cross the scent as it is so toxic.
Effectively you are creating a humane barrier to keep them out.
For the plugholes and waste traps use neat bleach daily.
I'm reading between the lines that you and Mrs T don't like spiders. Incisive detection worthy of Sherlock himself.for me, spiders are in same category as bees. They are meted out a suspended sentence dependent on good behaviour. Bluebottles and wasps suffer the full black cap treatment chez nous.
On a serious note - financial services...... banks closing branches - outsourcing call centres and now the FCA refusing to release the report that effectively spills the beans on how RBS fucked its customers over and put some out of business - probably coz it will ring a bell with customers of other banks who feel hard done to - PPI all over again?

I work in insurance - there's one waiting to happen. Loads of stuff outsourced overseas - South Africa getting in on the act now and going into battle with India to nick jobs. Then there's claims........... stripped back to the core in the last couple of years on the basis that its been quiet. The next bout of serious flooding or freezing should be interesting when customers ask why their insurer took their money but cannot provide the service they expected when its needed - kinda what insurance is about.
Ive had my pants pulled down by insurance companies twice today. In fact, I think I might have been Jedi mind tricked by the first lot. Auto renewed on 20th Sept, paid in full. Car has since developed a few issues coupled with a very good deal coming up on a new one with a bloke I know, so changed the car. Old policy cancelled. Getting £20 back. Cant believe it
Anyway, did the meerkats last night for new policy for new car and got a price. Was too fucked to sort it all last night so got back onto it today, and it had gone up £30. Car insurance sucks ass
Just a brief snippet from possibly (no, actually is) the worst Garage I have ever dealt with. Bear in mind this was a Fiat Garage that the car was bought from. My last visit was to have the wifes Fiat 500 serviced. Dropped it off at 08.30, picked it up at 17.00. 'All done but you will need to bring it back later in the week'. Why is that I reasonably asked? 'It needs a headlight bulb and we don't have one in stock'. That was bad enough, but the response was shocking, not one of them gave a toss. The manager eventually told me he didn't like my attitude. Should have given him a bunch of fives and see how he likes that but I am a bit old for that caper...

I had a Ford CMax. At 2 years 11 months the wipers failed so it went in for almost a week to have the wiper system repaired/ rebuilt. Sadly just 2 days too early to go through the first MOT. So 3 days later it went in for the MOT. Failed. Wiper blades shot! I asked why weren't they renewed with the rest of the system and was told nobody noticed the state they were in - even when testing the repair !! Insult to injury they don't carry wipers as stock and had to wait 2 days for blades and a re-test. Don't have a Ford now and never want one again,

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