D-Day - Student Protests in London, 09/12/10

BingoBango said:
Balti said:
As a parent with one kid at uni and another hopefully heading there I can categorically state that I do not want my kids to start life saddled with so much debt. It is just morally wrong. I know i am banging on about it but it is also wrong that my mates scottish kids will start their working life with no debt at all. It is even more wrong that scottish MPs voted for my kids to start life with this debt while kids in their scottish constituencies are laughing at English kids and their massive debts. Wrong on so many levels.

This isn't true, unless your mate has a few quid. I did my undergrad degree in Scotland and though fees were covered, most folk still have to take out a loan from the Student Loan Company to cover living costs. I came from a low-income family, and owe the SLC about £18k. Most of my friends from there owe a similar amount.

The principle of one part of the country paying fees, and another not having to do so, I agree is wholly unfair. But kids doing their degrees will end up in significant amounts of debt unless their parents are well-off.

Fair comment.

It's 'just' the extra £9,000 per annum in tuition fees that is the difference between two countries that are allegedly part of the same 'united' kingdom.

Kids in Scotland are going to start work with significantly less debt than kids in England even if they still incur a similar additional debt from living costs.

Scottish MPs voted on this. Some even voted for it to their hypocritical shame.

Thats not a fair democracy in my book. England = the poor relation of the 'united' kingdom.
Wouldn't expect to hear much more on this until next year. Time for people to reorganise, sort things out and have down time over Christmas. You'll know when it's back though, it'll be about the time the media are having heart attacks.
Blue Smarties said:
Wouldn't expect to hear much more on this until next year. Time for people to reorganise, sort things out and have down time over Christmas. You'll know when it's back though, it'll be about the time the media are having heart attacks.

You mean all the students are going home to Mom for 4 weeks to get their laundry done, have a shower and to eat some proper meals :-)
Bugs Bunny said:
Blue Smarties said:
Wouldn't expect to hear much more on this until next year. Time for people to reorganise, sort things out and have down time over Christmas. You'll know when it's back though, it'll be about the time the media are having heart attacks.

You mean all the students are going home to Mom for 4 weeks to get their laundry done, have a shower and to eat some proper meals :-)
You put it better than I did ;-)
Blue Smarties said:

Pig scum
"Did you throw anything at the police?"

How the fuck can he? He's disabled and in a sodding wheelchair for Christ's sake!
What an awful coincidence that his brother shoved him into the spotlight especially after he'd been interviewed on tv at the previous peaceful protest. Life can be cruel. This type of discrimination makes Britain look little.
Blue Smarties said:
LouisianaBluesFan said:
if the debt is that big of an issue, then don't go to college. I didn't go to school here in the states for 2 years after high school.

-- Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:30 am --

if the debt is that big of an issue, then don't go to college. I didn't go to school here in the states for 2 years after high school.
Why shouldn't they go to college?

In the states college is different. It is like a university in a way that it offer's "higher" level of education but it does not give the same degrees as universities. Most colleges offer diplomas or some other piece of paper. Universities give out degrees ( bachelors , masters and phd)
College and university are after highschool, which goes up to grade 12 , about age 16-17. I think highschool is the equivalent of a college in the UK. It's paid by the government.

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