D-Day - Student Protests in London, 09/12/10

bluesoup said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
For the record. I voted liberal democrat but, unfortunately it appears that they have no influence whatsoever in governement. This is such a dissapointment however, I will never vote for labour in my lifetime. I'd rather mar my voting slip in protest.

As I said and you alluded to this too halfpenny, their motivations are not just about cutting our deficit.

but Bluesoup, doesn't this drop you into the "don't vote-don't complain" category. If you can't trust Libdem, won't vote Labour and disagree with Conservatives what's left?

No it doesn't - marring a voting slip is recorded as 'I voted for nobody' and if enough people do it then it is a legitimate protest. Not going at all is much worse and does fall into the category 'don't vote-don't complain'.

As for what's left - I'll leave that decision until the next election. I happen to like my Lib Dem MP for what he does locally so, I have a political dilema... arghhhhh!

big prob for you mate. I haven't found a party that does exactly what I want but Tories are the closest
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
nashark said:
This. Fucking heartless pigs. Imagine if a university-educated doctor said "fuck all you ***** who supported those who left me with a lifetime of debt, you'll be getting no help from me. Fuck the rest". I think the world would be a better place.

Anyway, I posted this last night, and will do so again until people realise the situation:

This really is incredible. Even more incredible is the fact that I have to spell it out for some.

A party posing as 'liberal' presents a manifesto which states explicitly that, should they get into power, tuition fees would be abolished. Fastforward a few months, the said party is in power, and not only do they support, they propose a policy which is diametrically opposed to the one on their manifesto which got them elected.

The proposal put forward seeks to increase tuition fees to such a point where there will be many young, intelligent people - who are potentially vital to our future society - deterred from becoming educated by an enormous, lifetime cloud of debt. That's not even mentioning that certain factors of this policy will ultimately lead to the privatisation of higher education where only the rich are entitled to go to the best universities and take the best degrees.

Put in basic terms, the state are using students as a scapegoat for the foibles of capitalism by charging them more than the natural and actual cost of a degree.

So, moving forward to 6:00pm, proposals which are nothing less than political warfare on those who strive to have greater inteligence have been implemented in an outrageous obfuscation of democracy. The people, who realise that every single member of the electorate has been cheated, are very, very unhappy. Fuelling this unhappiness is the fact that unelected, above-the-law, tooled-up men cage them up like animals in complete contravention of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights. What do the people do? What can the people do? They cannot go the toilet. They cannot get water. They cannot get food. They cannot even vote for a party who will stick by their manifesto.

So the people riot.

They riot because they have witnessed a fascist, oligarchic coup d'etat which affects every single member of society - even you.

Yet you sit at home, slagging them off, and pick up on a few idiots who decide to desecrate statues of Churchill and the War Dead to strengthen your argument on emotive grounds. But you forget that the only reason these men are venerated is because of their violent stance on fascism - d'ya see where I'm going with this?

So, next time, think about what you write, and ask yourselves, am I up to discussing such a subject without making myself look like a grade-A c,unt?

Until then, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Edit: By the way Bluesmarties, I fully support your work.


Absolutely on the money nashark - well said.
Probably wasted on the usual neanderthal right wing gloom and doom merchants on here,but 100% correct nonetheless.

A fantastic post Nashark. May I also add that Prince Charles' head should have been lopped off and put on a spike. Our future king watching 'his' country's higher education been stolen from his subjects in front of his eyes. Fuck the Royals and this government.

The tories and treachourous LibDems have said the very poorest will only have to pay £7 a week for the next 60 years. Well what about working class kids? In 10 years time kids will be leaving Uni over a100K in debt. This is a shameful day for Britain.

We don't manufacture anything, in 20 years, we will have no employable workforce either.
Turn the lights off please.
All this over tuition fees...they ain't protesting, they're fucking rioting.

They make me fucking sick to my stomach...defacing the statue of Churchill etc.

Get a job you lazy, tax dodging, 3 year wasting wankers.


This twat needs to be dragged through an army base for a week and spit shine the soldiers' boots and receive a kick in the face for each boot he cleans.

Give me 5 minutes in a room with him, please.

People I know and love have fought for this country and what do these twats do? Riot over a few quid that they could earn if they bothered getting a half decent job.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Halfpenny said:
What about those who might not even be able to do so? As I have said countless times before, I don't mind paying for higher education. £9,000 per year however, is just too much.

If you earn £400 a week you repay £7.66 a week is that such a hardship?

If you earn £1000 a week you pay back £47.40 a week.

I can't believe what bastards they are.

-- Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:48 pm --

TheMightyQuinn said:
My kids won't want to be paying for education regardless.

What so I and all other taxpayers should?

And they have an education otherwise they would be unable to get into university.

Should we just keep on paying for people to do endless degrees then. Fuck it be a student until you retire it won't cost a thing and remember education to whatever level you choose is a right that only the workers should ever have to pay for.

Spot on old chap.
give em enough rope to hang themselves with. and the universities have duely complied. so many dumb and useless degrees going around that the money that could have been used turning us into a nation of mathematicians or scientists has been diluted into areas that make us able to watch tv better and even a degree on surfing i remember, top draw, bravo. thats gonna benefit the country no end.

some people like to refer to todays ever encroaching government as an example of "big brother" and how george orwell was right. though really aldous huxley may have been more on the money with his predictions.

i wont go into depth but relevent to this is the argument orwell feared those that would deprive us of information and leave us in the dark. huxley feared those that would give us so much information we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. which one sounds about right to you (i'd say they both are but one more relevent and prevelent than the other)

give it 20-30 years when as a country we can't manufacture anything.
and medical technology helps people live even longer placing greater financial burden on the tax payers (who'll probably be paying less tax due to not being able to afford uni and having lower paid work)

can't wait. it comforts me to know that i already have the bottle of whisky thats gonna help wash down those 3 dozen sleeping pills lol. it's a 22 year 1963 glenmorangie. go out in style before the shit hits the fan, kidding
I don't get why so many on here are anti-student.

6 months ago the same people who slag 'em off for being lazy and apathetic are now calling them after they've got off their arses and stood up to the man.

I applaud all rioting/protesting students (apart from the ignorant fools who defaced the cenotaph).

All protest is good. What is the point of having a Che Guevara poster if you can't throw rocks at the pigs?

Impressive kid.

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