Dads just been diagnosed with bowel cancer,

kenster197 said:
TCIB said:
kenster197 said:
Cheers Tony

-- Thu May 23, 2013 11:47 pm --

Have a feeling the wheels may be coming off the wagon I've been on this weekend. 5 months done, a wee daft night is in order.

Try not to but don't dwell on it, just moderate it.
A drink in such circumstances is understandable but only you know yourself mate if it won't cause you to fall off.
You came this far so seem to have the will to sort it.

Currently just having that "whats the point" feeling.

Thanks for the support from everyone.

The point is he needs you to be right on it. Right by his side. You both have big battles ahead of you. If you stay strong he will too.

I wish you and your dad the best of luck. I know you can both come through this.
Stay strong for him kenster. Wish you all the best for your Dad and hope he pulls through.
kenster197 said:
Only found out today and fucking devastated. Scared to look on google as its a feckin minefield. Anyone lived through it or had / have someone living through it? My dad had a liver transplant 7 years back so his immune system is non existant and we don't find anything out until Monday.

My auntie had it 20 odd years ago and she's still going strong now.
My grandad had this and overcame it successfully but had to have a bag fitted which he hated but it extended his life by some ten years !

Stay positive and supportive mate
I had a scare 5 years ago but mine turned out not to be cancer but major surgery to remove diseased bowel - they can do that in cancerous situaions too.

Lost my Mum 3 years ago to bowel and rectal cancer - unfortunatley she was diagnosed too late and her age meant that opertaions and chemo weren't possible - radiotherapy prolonged things but it was all too much - she was 85 though when she died.

I wish you and your Dad all the luck in the world - if they have got it early enough he can make a full recovery, even with a partial removal of some of the bowel - that can lead to either a temporary or permanent stoma (bag) but that is minor compared to the alternative.

Your place though has to be with him as your companion ratrher than the bottle.

Be strong - you can come through this!!!
You have to stay strong for your dad - stay positive and keep him positive, eating healthily and listen to all the advice from the doctors and don't be afraid to question anything you don't understand.

Do not go back to booze, that won't help your dad at all

I wish you all the best
Stay strong for your dad. He needs your help and be positive. My dad was diagnosed with Kidney cancer in 2004 - massive shock. We listened to the advise of the medics and followed what they proposed. Have a couple of days to let it sink in. Then draw up a list of questions.

He is fit and well today.

Good luck
I've had it and lost a close family member to it.

Keep positive and support your Dad. Don't mope around him and be so so strong for him. He's been there for you and it's your turn to repay the favour.

Plenty survive it mate. Christies is the most amazing place on earth. I still go for my check ups every 3 months and I can honestly say the place amazes me every time!

All the love and luck in the world.

Cancer is a bastard.
I have a mate who is 50 who was diagnosed with it nigh on 2 years ago. Been a long hard struggle, really tough on him and his family, but he went back to work a couple of weeks ago.
Don't Google it, don't even ask around (like this:-), trust the doctors, trust the treatment. Don't 'try to stay positive' etc. or you'll just end up feeling guilty as well. It is going to be hard and you and your dad and you are both going to feel shit (like you do now). That's ok, that's how you're meant to feel and if you felt anything different you wouldn't be being honest with yourself or your dad. But you wont feel like that all the time and remember the trouble is never the end of the story so stick with it and keep going.
Keep us posted and all the best to your dad and all your family.

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