Dads just been diagnosed with bowel cancer,

Really gutted for you , stay strong and he may get through this. Life works in mysterious ways .
My Father in Law was diagnosed with bowel cancer about 10 years ago and he's still going. Medical opinion is something else could see him off first. Each case is different so I suggest trust the doctors as they know best.
My step Dad had it 5 or 6 years ago and had the bag and everything. It was tough for a year or so and at times he felt like giving up. But he made a full recovery had the bag removed and is now good as new and enjoying his retirement in Cyprus.

Good luck to your Dad pal.
My dad died of stomach cancer and I have just beaten a brain tumour. Cancer is a terrible thing BUT it can be BEATEN. It may be an easy thing to say Kenster, but for your dad's sake try to put a brave face on things. However you feel at the moment, he is feeling 100 times worse and he will definitely need people around him who are up to the task of being strong.

My neuro-consultant told me that half the battle is psychological.......and he was right.Best of luck to you,your dad,and the rest of your family,I'm sure he'll make it :)
McMillan could become your new best friends.

If the worst happens, your local hospice will give you a new meaning of the word "care".

There's brilliant people out there to help you
Keister, just because your dad has been diagnosed with cancer it's not the end of the world. It's happened to me twice! It's prognosis and the treatment that are important.
Wait until the doctors have let you know and whatever you do you MUST keep a brave face on when you are around your dad- the last thing he needs are people cracking up and breaking down around him, please trust me on that one. Cry your eyes out when you are not with him.
Keep your chin up (for your dads sake) and you can come through it. I'll tell you treatment has moved on and the cure rate these days has increased and improved tremendously.
Be strong. Be brave because your dad needs you to be.
The very best of luck.<br /><br />-- Sat May 25, 2013 4:03 pm --<br /><br />
kippax81 said:
My dad died of stomach cancer and I have just beaten a brain tumour. Cancer is a terrible thing BUT it can be BEATEN. It may be an easy thing to say Kenster, but for your dad's sake try to put a brave face on things. However you feel at the moment, he is feeling 100 times worse and he will definitely need people around him who are up to the task of being strong.

My neuro-consultant told me that half the battle is psychological.......and he was right.Best of luck to you,your dad,and the rest of your family,I'm sure he'll make it :)

See Kestler! 2 guys on here who have beat it and giving you the same advice to be strong.
You CAN do it!

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