daft things that scared you when you were little...

pominoz said:
The lead singer from "Wizzard",still freaks me out abit.....

If Roy Wood scared you, what about Ron Mael from Sparks?

tasker said:
mcds said:
Going over bridges,still hate getting stopped on one.
same as you mate, hate driving over barton bridge

you would love this one..


me dad threatening to take me to the swamp when i misbehaved...would scare the shit out of me
bluevengence said:
tasker said:
same as you mate, hate driving over barton bridge

you would love this one..


me dad threatening to take me to the swamp when i misbehaved...would scare the shit out of me

Been over that bridge, The Millau in southern france, bit of an anti climax really as you can't see over the side when your on it, I must admit I was shittin it though
This freaky fucker used to scare the living daylights out of me when I was a kid

I had recurring nightmares for years about him chasing me around Blackley :(

Edit: Oh, and another thing, the toilet flushing. Legged it out of there every time I flushed it through fear lol
when the nazi's face melted on raider's of the lost ark

couldn't go upstairs on own for weeks.
Mr farley,the old guy who lived round the corner from me in burnage,we used to think if he ever got hold of you he would take you in his house and torture you,i was fu..in terrified of him.
"The Bogey Man". Rememer me dad (RIP) use to shout up the stairs "If you dont go to sleep the Bogey Man will come and get you" Worked every time. Me and me bruvs were convinced the BM was hiding in the loft<br /><br />-- Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:51 pm --<br /><br />
Lancashire Blue said:
pominoz said:
The lead singer from "Wizzard",still freaks me out abit.....

If Roy Wood scared you, what about Ron Mael from Sparks?


The eyes on the dude on the piano. The queen video use to also scare me
Myra Hindley and Ian Brady....seeing their picture on the front page of the MEN when I was a kid.

Tales of Mystery and Imagination on TV on a Saturday night with the empty (rocking) rocking chair and the weird violin music

mmmmm.....................maybe the first one wasn't so daft. It came back to haunt me one day as I was driving down the A14 going past the Madingley Cemetery when they announced that they have just cremated Myra Hindley(at that cemetery), that made me shudder

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