daft things that scared you when you were little...

I was absolutely shit scared of the Incredible Hulk when I was a young kid.If it was ever on TV I'd leg it upstairs and hide under my covers. I was quite scared of the hoover as well cause I used to think it would get me and I'd get stuck in the vacuum bag.
This is no joke, I had a pathalogical fear of pickled onions when I was a lad!!!!!
I'm over it now though.

Also I remember a time when I was about 7 or 8 and my older brother told me that if you ring your own telephone number the devil will answer. I proper fell for it but eventually plucked up the courage to ring it. There was a short pause, then a crackle, then a dial tone then a ring tone....my heart was in my mouth....then to my horror a bloke answered!! I Dropped the phone and flew upstairs and hid under my bedsheets in tears thinking the devil was after me now!!! Now that was fear!
Planet of the Apes, I thought it was real, especially when I heard about gorrilla warfare on news at ten, didnt think to ask my dad what gorrilla warfare was and went to bed thinking the fuckers were about to invade LOL
Dirty girty the witch on the kids tv programme?! Does anyone remember her? Like a scarier version of grotbags!

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