Daftest thing any rag has said to you?

Just reply ...... "i don't know , who's playing"?

Man U v Barcelona means absolutely fuck all to me ......... i doubt whether i'll even think about watchin' it.
A couple of months ago when Spain beat England in a friendly and played well, the following morning my boss said to me "United would beat Spain." I've never heard such a pile of shit come out of a United gob. It is a non argument anyway as they'll never play, and that game had absolutely nothing to do with United so I don't know why he felt the need to bring them into it. I just walked off without dignifying his lack of knowledge with a response.
if they were playing in our back garden
I'd shut the fucking curtains...
if City were playing in a european cup final against a non english team i would support your lot!
Erm, I don't know.

When asked questions such as:

What year was M*nich?
Who did you play the game before?
Name someone apart from Duncan Edwards that died.
Name a player from the 70's that didn't play in the 60's.
What connections do United have with Salford?
Who won the famous cup of the World (or whatever its called) last season?
and obviously the best...
Why do you support United?

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