Daily Fail and the Mancini era ....

In my view it is ridiculous to think the players consciously underperformed.
But being 'motivated' to play for your manager is a different story. The mental edge a team can get from being 'together as one' should never be underestimated. It seems clear from various performances this season that that was a lack of team spirit and certainly confusion in the team strategy. I don't think the players should be blamed for that.
It even sounds as if (let's say) Vinny would have tried on his own initiative, to take the lead in creating such a spirit, he would have been lambasted for it by Mancini.
I think the Reading and Norwich games will be the proof that we have a great squad who are intuitively motivated professionals and not the mercenaries they are sometimes made out to be. It just needs a manager who doesn't poison the mix!
Sometimes a particular management style is right for the time. Mancini made a lot of good calls and his style brought us unprecedented success in a short time; I will always be grateful to him and will follow his career with interest.

It may well be that now is the right time for change and, if so, long live the new king.

One thing is certain, the press will not treat MUFC in this way and I'm not sure if that is a result of our failings in the PR department or the work of darker forces. I do not believe for one minute that our players threw the final. It looked to me that tactically, we were outmanoeuvred. Interestingly, can you imagine the stick Mancini would get for employing "three at the back" in the way Martinez did?
The simple truth is too many players have under performed this season following the high of last season. Leaders are not popular. However despite indifferent form we have averaged over two points a game. Pretty phenomenal management in the circumstances I think.
de niro said:
moomba said:
Story tells me more about the people still at the club than anyone who has left.

And is worrying if true.

We knew very early in his city career his man management was poor, you can be like that but you HAVE to win things. I hate player power with a passion but they also have to be happy in their work. Seems there was no middle ground here.

This is more like the truth! It's the ability to put an arm round a shoulder, when needed rather than ostracise a player! Old gammon chops could be be a tyrant and an bully but knew how to get the best out of the scum players, look at teen wolf this year compared to last. He stuck by him, bigged him up and he begrudgingly had a good season, whereas Hart went backwards with public criticism.

Bobby needed to do this more. The press are complete c@nts and I still love what Bobby did for us. We will never know the truth
While obviously that article is the extreme with more than a little sensationalism.....it can also be stated that there is very rarely smoke without fire.

Mancini is volatile,ruthless,stubborn and very self important,however,to a point,which we had the privilege of experiencing,he is also a winner.
The problems begin once his methodology of winning becomes tiresome and transparent,it then becomes an irritant and a hindrance,as many accounts are now claiming.

So,while he developed our club into a domestic powerhouse and provided us with a winners mentality,its now also evident,he had reached his peak and run out of ideas,he was out of his depth and in danger of causing irrepairable damage.

What is certain is that his time was definitely up and the decision to dismiss him was undoubtedly the right one.

Whether you are a fan or otherwise,what cannot be argued is the fact he will not be forgotten in a hurry.........
BobKowalski said:
Ray78 said:
black mamba said:
Alex Ferguson today says he can't believe that City sacked Mancini , and i am of the opinion that no other City manager has gained Fergies respect in such a way .... respect that came because of the achievements of Mancini during the few years that he's been here , and respect that came because he was in no way 'overawed' by Fergies presence in Manchester , as City finally started to pull their weight in derby games on a regular basis.

FA Cup winners
Premiership champions
Charity/Community Shield winners
FA Cup runners-up
Premiership runners-up

whether all the stories of rifts with the players are true or not , i feel that we've lost a Fergie-type manager here , a guy who almost certainly would have won many more trophies for this club over time , and gained even more respect from rival managers ...... and he liked living here too.

I wish Roberto Mancini well ... i liked him , and he looked the part to me .... yes , he made mistakes , but his decisions also won many games for us too .... and i'm none too sure that the ageing Pellegrini , should he arrive , will emulate the success that Mancini has enjoyed , and probably would have continued to enjoy ...... but then again , Joe Mercer was in his fifties when he took over the managerial reigns here , and that came following his sacking by Aston Villa , just after he'd suffered a stroke ... and nobody needs reminding of the success he brought City.

There isn't much he could do if he'd lost all , or part , of the dressing room , but maybe his seemingly 'distant' situations with the two Spanish henchmen , and Marwood , did him even less favours than his squabbles with certain players ......

one thing is for sure , Mancini would have given a rats arse for anything the Dail Mail said .. or what any other paper said for that matter !

I think we've lost a very good manager here , and i can only hope that we don't live to regret it.

We won't regret it. The structure we are putting place we will see to that. The days of the old school type of management is consigned to the history books.

Yes it is and I have no problem with that. My problem is having this sort of shit splattered all over the press. And the fact that the club has been leaking some of this or giving the okay to print the things journo's already knew. So whats next? Mancini's version of events and another news cycle with City shit splattered all over it? You think Platt isn't going to pitch up at some stage on Sky and start 'putting the record straight'?

Just keep your mouths fucking shut City as we all end up covered in shit

Yep, absolutely this. We aren't dealing with friends when it comes to people like Ladyman, so thinking we can control the flow of sewage when it comes to what they want to write about us is idiotic. As you say Bob, it will end one way.......City covered in shi-ite from head to toe
it can also be stated that there is very rarely smoke without fire.

You can state it, but it doesn't make it true. In the world of sports journalism there is so much smoke it's not possible to make any rational decision as to the existence of fire. I read this week that Sergio is off, that Martinez will be our assistant manager, that the "special one" is coming to Eastlands, that we will end up with Benitez and that we will come third next season behind Utd in second, with Chelsea winning the title, tomorrow it'll be something else, and on it goes.
The perfect fumble said:
it can also be stated that there is very rarely smoke without fire.

You can state it, but it doesn't make it true. In the world of sports journalism there is so much smoke it's not possible to make any rational decision as to the existence of fire. I read this week that Sergio is off, that Martinez will be our assistant manager, that the "special one" is coming to Eastlands, that we will end up with Benitez and that we will come third next season behind Utd in second, with Chelsea winning the title, tomorrow it'll be something else, and on it goes.

The above is speculation though,the Mancini 'smoke' is fact,the only matter of discussion is to what degree.

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