Dani Alves

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Made two solid signings early on then Txixi and Ferren have done feck all We are currently in a much poorer situation than the start of tour last year As fans it would be nice to know who messed the Alves deal up After all he did profess his love of Pep At present going on SSN is inpossible a six day Lukaku / Rooney love fest
Personally feel we can achieve all our objectives with our current set of attacking players IF we get our "Laterals" sorted out.
Maybe. I don't know what our options are. Can't help but comment though. I like Txiki. This is a man steeped in football with contacts all over. I just hope we prioritise the defenders first though. I am sure we will.
I'm hoping this is a blessing in disguise with regards to Maffeo. Shame the Henrichs interest didn't go anywhere though.
Bit concerned that he didn't get more games at Girona. I looked and he only played about 14. Not sure if it was down to injury, time of the loan etc.

if Alves didn't want the Premiership, and hadn't let City know either about his decision, we're actually better off. Don't want weak people at MCFC.
We need another RB, Apart from Walker, Dani Alves was the perfect option because he is a WC, with a lot of experience and comes in free! Now that means we'll have to spend another 20+ M on a second RB or live with Fernandinho as a backup - which is bad!
Bring in Sanchez, Mbappe,and P.E.A from Dortmund (didn't want to spell his name wrong) and run with a front 8, VK can defend deep and Stones can clean up the midfield...score 10+ a game... problem solved.
I think your underestimating the rising tensions in that area, there is open hatred to the Qataris by most of the Arab world and particularly by the UAE.

Great bit of PR at the very least for Qatar and I am sure the political situation helped them give Mr Alves a contact he could not refuse.

Is Dani Alves to the UAE/Qatar what Franz Ferndinand was to Europe?
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