Darts walk on girls chalked off.

what's more entitled than stopping people from working because you don't like their view on their own gender representation and life choices?

Left were also oddly quiet about how the Beeb valued women so little that they drove a pay cut through on men to serve the Tory cut agenda rather than give the women a pay rise. Odd how women's equality is them losing their jobs and not being valued more, just the rest of society being dragged down and de-valued to save corporations money. I thought this was supposed to be a progressive, rights driven tolerant cause.

It’s up to the PDC on the use of walk on girls. If the PDC think it’s time to ditch that policy it’s their decision. The majority of sports don’t use girls to walk on the competitors. Football doesn’t have grown women escorting players out hand in hand. You’re paying to watch a sport not women parading around. You want that then go to a bleeding strip club.

Personally I wouldn’t be fussed if they continued the policy of using walk on girls either. I’m in the not arsed either way camp even if I do wonder what is the point other than to cop a look at an attractive girl. But this thread isn’t about walk on girls is it? It’s an opportunity for a group of blokes to vent about ‘femi Nazi’s’ and woman about how things are going down the toilet, the good old days, why do people keep complaining and ruining our fun and the old classic ‘they are only hurting themselves’ which loosely means ‘you’ve spoiled things for me so I’m going to be pissed and take it out on you for daring to complain’.

As I said entitlement mixed with self pity. Not an attractive look.
I’d love for you to explain how reeks of either of those sound bites.

It's hard left doublespeak. My desires are equality, yours are entitlement. My whinging is revolutionary, yours is self pity.

I wouldn't pay much attention.
It's hard left doublespeak. My desires are equality, yours are entitlement. My whinging is revolutionary, yours is self pity.

I wouldn't pay much attention.

On this subject I really don’t give a shit. I didn’t create a thread to whine about it or vent about shops in Brentwood or about femi Nazi’s depriving little Timmy of cake or moan that guys get groped as well or whatever contrived outrage you could shoehorn into a thread about a fucking Darts organisation wondering if having half naked girls escorting out fat sweaty middle aged blokes to raucous whoops and cheers is the quite the image they want if they intend to grow the sport.

The decision taken will be about money, promotion of the sport and money. It’s always about money. That and sensing that what was a good look twenty odd years ago ain’t necessarily a good look today.
Odd how women's equality is them losing their jobs
This decision has nothing to do with women's equality. The PDC and the broadcasters clearly believe there's more money to be made without these women walking the players on. That will be their only consideration, regardless of how else they might want to dress it up.
It’s up to the PDC on the use of walk on girls. If the PDC think it’s time to ditch that policy it’s their decision. The majority of sports don’t use girls to walk on the competitors. Football doesn’t have grown women escorting players out hand in hand. You’re paying to watch a sport not women parading around. You want that then go to a bleeding strip club.

Personally I wouldn’t be fussed if they continued the policy of using walk on girls either. I’m in the not arsed either way camp even if I do wonder what is the point other than to cop a look at an attractive girl. But this thread isn’t about walk on girls is it? It’s an opportunity for a group of blokes to vent about ‘femi Nazi’s’ and woman about how things are going down the toilet, the good old days, why do people keep complaining and ruining our fun and the old classic ‘they are only hurting themselves’ which loosely means ‘you’ve spoiled things for me so I’m going to be pissed and take it out on you for daring to complain’.

As I said entitlement mixed with self pity. Not an attractive look.

well, no it isn't, like most threads you participate in, that's just what you want it to be about.
This decision has nothing to do with women's equality. The PDC and the broadcasters clearly believe there's more money to be made without these women walking the players on. That will be their only consideration, regardless of how else they might want to dress it up.

Well I think that's an oversimplification.
You need to ask why when previously it was considered to add value it is now considered not to?
The underlying reason is a movement to remove physical beauty from the list of desirable traits in humans. It's based upon a ridiculous premise that for men the only desirable trait in a woman is physical beauty and that objectification is unfair to those who do not have it (It's demeaning to all women). Of course the reality is that physical beauty is only one of many traits, the sum of which describes the worth of the individual and it is the same for both sexes. What physical beauty does is ad value to an individual who may score lower on other desirable traits thereby levelling the playing field. But the group who take up this fight generally are those who score lower on the beauty stakes and therefore do not consider it a valuable trait. Ergo anyone who does consider there to be value in beauty is wrong and anything which puts value in beauty must be changed!

Despite millions of years of both physiological and sociological evolution to the contrary.

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