Darts walk on girls chalked off.

The true scandal (which is probably what influenced the PDA's decision) is the charities handing back money because of a few alleged incidents of pissed-up men touching up a few waitresses. Have people lost their minds?

"Sorry little Timmy, because someone asked a waitress for her phone-number, we can no longer afford to treat your brain cancer". Scumbags.

Louts ruining it for everyone. Just to say though, groping and asking for a phone number aren't the same. Giving back the money - if that has happened, is like throwing a cake in the bin.
Louts ruining it for everyone. Just to say though, groping and asking for a phone number aren't the same. Giving back the money - if that has happened, is like throwing a cake in the bin.

You're right, groping isn't the same. But it's not exactly the worst crime in the world is it? It goes on in every nightclub in this country every single day (to both men and women). Most adults shrug it off. They don't go outside and beat up a toddler.

As for your simile, I'd go further and say it's like throwing a cake in the bin that was gonna feed starving, emaciated little Timmy which, effectively, will happen in some cases.
You're right, groping isn't the same. But it's not exactly the worst crime in the world is it? It goes on in every nightclub in this country every single day (to both men and women). Most adults shrug it off. They don't go outside and beat up a toddler.

As for your simile, I'd go further and say it's like throwing a cake in the bin that was gonna feed starving, emaciated little Timmy which, effectively, will happen in some cases.

Definitely not the worst crime I agree. It's tough to try and put yourself in someone else's shoes. Because a thing 'goes on' doesn't make it acceptable. Leer all you want, men will use their eyes.. get a good old look, but if you touch you're running a risk.

If Timmy dies in consequence of such bullshit, then he and his parents have a right to feel angry i guess.
Definitely not the worst crime I agree. It's tough to try and put yourself in someone else's shoes. Because a thing 'goes on' doesn't make it acceptable. Leer all you want, men will use their eyes.. get a good old look, but if you touch you're running a risk.

If Timmy dies in consequence of such bullshit, then he and his parents have a right to feel angry i guess.
What about throwing good cake in the bin? That’s fucking out of order.
I suppose that our current members of the Mary Whitehouse appreciation society will soon be clamouring for
the Crystal Palace Cheerleaders to be thrown out of work...

You're right, groping isn't the same. But it's not exactly the worst crime in the world is it? It goes on in every nightclub in this country every single day (to both men and women). Most adults shrug it off. They don't go outside and beat up a toddler.

And herein lies the size of the battle that women face. Unsolicited groping is sexual assault - a crime. The fact that it occurs so much doesn't make it right or acceeptable and what you've written is a scary realisation that whilst the average working class man believes everything is against him these days, women still have a long way to go for equality.
And herein lies the size of the battle that women face. Unsolicited groping is sexual assault - a crime. The fact that it occurs so much doesn't make it right or acceeptable and what you've written is a scary realisation that whilst the average working class man believes everything is against him these days, women still have a long way to go for equality.
There’s not a good looking bloke that doesn’t also get groped in every bar and club he goes into by red blooded females either so I don’t know why you only mention it being a battle faced by women.

It’s also got nob all to do with the darts.
Reactions to things like this make me laugh.

I don't know a single woman who acts or talks like the, so-called, 'femi-nazis' that male dominated areas of the internet love to rant about. I don't even really know many that identify as huge feminists - in that they take part in protests and actions, etc.

However, I know numerous blokes who are constantly upset and seething about the way that "these feminists" affect their lives and how everything is shit now because of them.

It seems that there are a few extreme feminists on one side (who, like any extremists, talk shite on at least some issues). But on the other side, just as irate and irrational, is a huge swath of irrational blokes, with not much else to focus on in life, who are constantly raging that they are the subject of some sort of conspiracy to undermine their way of life - whether that it's feminism, "PC gone mad" or basically anything that is not like it was in the 70s.

In reality, having a load of models walking on at the darts is ridiculous. No-one thinks that Wimbledon would be made better if they did the same (for the men or women) and if broadcasters say that to be taken seriously as a sport they'd prefer that they didn't have something that actually serves no purpose there, then so what.

If you are that desperate to see attractive women, why not actually live a little and go out and pull. You know, maybe even have sex. And if you are too fat and ugly to do that, just go and watch some porn.

Great post.

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