Darts walk on girls chalked off.

David Walliams having his kids books taken off sale for being part of it.

Natasha Radford, owner of the Chicken & Frog Bookshop in Brentwood, has also removed his titles from her store. “We have taken that step because in his position of being a very popular children’s author, his decision to take part in that event is unacceptable," she said. "He is saying it is his job, but I cannot buy into that. To make matters worse, he auctioned a character off in his next children’s book. We are shooting ourselves in the foot because we do get a lot of parents coming in asking for Walliams’ books. But sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe in. We have had support for our stance – someone phoned us from Cambridge and bought a (different) children’s book from us to support what we were doing.”

Natasha......please feel free to fuck off!
Reactions to things like this make me laugh.

I don't know a single woman who acts or talks like the, so-called, 'femi-nazis' that male dominated areas of the internet love to rant about. I don't even really know many that identify as huge feminists - in that they take part in protests and actions, etc.

However, I know numerous blokes who are constantly upset and seething about the way that "these feminists" affect their lives and how everything is shit now because of them.

It seems that there are a few extreme feminists on one side (who, like any extremists, talk shite on at least some issues). But on the other side, just as irate and irrational, is a huge swath of irrational blokes, with not much else to focus on in life, who are constantly raging that they are the subject of some sort of conspiracy to undermine their way of life - whether that it's feminism, "PC gone mad" or basically anything that is not like it was in the 70s.

In reality, having a load of models walking on at the darts is ridiculous. No-one thinks that Wimbledon would be made better if they did the same (for the men or women) and if broadcasters say that to be taken seriously as a sport they'd prefer that they didn't have something that actually serves no purpose there, then so what.

If you are that desperate to see attractive women, why not actually live a little and go out and pull. You know, maybe even have sex. And if you are too fat and ugly to do that, just go and watch some porn.
Cultural Marxism at it's finest.

You do realise that that isn't actually a real thing, right?

Marks you out having read some right old nonsense by conspiracy theorists or 'alt-right' nutters. You might as well wear a tinfoil hat - both send out the same message.

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