Darts walk on girls chalked off.

Would you want City to take to the the pitch accompanied by walk on girls. No.
Depends what image you want to present.
Makes Darts look like a carry on joke 'sport', boxing pathetically macho and Formula One with it's posh girls just stupid.
Interesting that those not bothered with the particular sport don't mind the walk on girls.
No place for them if you want to take the sport seriously.
So you've read those two texts and found out a bit about a school of thought from the 40s and 50s and come to the conclusion that this is a worldwide conspiracy of "Cultural Marxism" (I presume that you coined this phrase yourself?) all on your own?

It's just a coincidence that all sorts of cranks and conspiracy theorists happen to use your phrase?

Cultural Marxism was an academic term used to describe strands of the Frankfurt school of thought. Widely used in cultural studies and only recently described as a "conspiracy theory" by those who try to delegitimise any opposing view.

So no I didn't coin the phrase nor is it only cranks and conspiracy theorists who use it.

To be fair, when that minority is the sports broadcaster or sponsor that puts up most of the prize money, they can obviously override the views of the majority of people who've never put a penny of their money into darts.
They put all of the money into darts. They are the consumer and if you change the product you better hope they like the new version. Ask the Coca Cola company if you're in any doubt.
They put all of the money into darts. They are the consumer and if you change the product you better hope they like the new version. Ask the Coca Cola company if you're in any doubt.
But the point is that it's their decision to make, not "the majority" of people's.
There's a minority of people that are offended by every sort of decision made in every area of life, somewhere in the world. It's called having a different opinion. Some of them are full of shite, some of them happen to be right. To be seething about that is going to make for an unhappy life.

You'd be better off being incredulous and angry about important stuff and things that really are unequivocally wrong in life.

If you feel that not having girls in hotpants walking to the oche with Phil Taylor is something that is of importance and is unequivocally the sort of thing that we should fight to preserve in society in the 21st Century, then fair enough - you should be incredulous.

But you might be able to recognise that others probably think it is an irrelevance and can recognise that it serves no real purpose and is probably just there to attract fat pervs who don't get any (and the same applies to women and male 'totty'). And someone holding that opinion is nothing to do with feminism or some sort of forced way of thinking.

Your problem is you claim to not really give a fuck and demand we all rise above it yet the mask then slips and you go on to mention "fat pervs" as you attempt to shut anyone down who doesn't agree with you.

It's a perfect example of the internet gangs/bullies that have clung to these types of stories and used them for their own means.

Like i said, i've no time for apologists im afraid.
Some of them are full of shite, some of them happen to be right.

Translation: some people I disagree with, some I agree with.

You'd be better off being incredulous and angry about important stuff and things that really are unequivocally wrong in life.

From the man that rarely posts other than to rant.

But you might be able to recognise that others probably think it is an irrelevance and can recognise that it serves no real purpose

Others being the minority as stated.

Full disclosure: I wouldn’t watch the darts if you paid me, not have I ever seen a ‘walk on’ so I probably should ask what promoted this decision to sack these women?
Would you want City to take to the the pitch accompanied by walk on girls. No.
Depends what image you want to present.
Makes Darts look like a carry on joke 'sport', boxing pathetically macho and Formula One with it's posh girls just stupid.
Interesting that those not bothered with the particular sport don't mind the walk on girls.
No place for them if you want to take the sport seriously.
You’d best write a strongly worded letter to the NFL.
Would you want City to take to the the pitch accompanied by walk on girls. No.
Depends what image you want to present.
Makes Darts look like a carry on joke 'sport', boxing pathetically macho and Formula One with it's posh girls just stupid.
Interesting that those not bothered with the particular sport don't mind the walk on girls.
No place for them if you want to take the sport seriously.

I've always thought that about cheerleaders. Only necessary in sports that are not interesting enough in and of themselves.
Reactions to things like this make me laugh.

I don't know a single woman who acts or talks like the, so-called, 'femi-nazis' that male dominated areas of the internet love to rant about. I don't even really know many that identify as huge feminists - in that they take part in protests and actions, etc.

However, I know numerous blokes who are constantly upset and seething about the way that "these feminists" affect their lives and how everything is shit now because of them.

It seems that there are a few extreme feminists on one side (who, like any extremists, talk shite on at least some issues). But on the other side, just as irate and irrational, is a huge swath of irrational blokes, with not much else to focus on in life, who are constantly raging that they are the subject of some sort of conspiracy to undermine their way of life - whether that it's feminism, "PC gone mad" or basically anything that is not like it was in the 70s.

In reality, having a load of models walking on at the darts is ridiculous. No-one thinks that Wimbledon would be made better if they did the same (for the men or women) and if broadcasters say that to be taken seriously as a sport they'd prefer that they didn't have something that actually serves no purpose there, then so what.

If you are that desperate to see attractive women, why not actually live a little and go out and pull. You know, maybe even have sex. And if you are too fat and ugly to do that, just go and watch some porn.
Quite an enlightening post there, showing your colours far too much.
The world's full of irrational blokes and the odd feminist.
Cheers for your balanced and well researched view.
Cultural Marxism was an academic term used to describe strands of the Frankfurt school of thought. Widely used in cultural studies and only recently described as a "conspiracy theory" by those who try to delegitimise any opposing view.

So no I didn't coin the phrase more is it only cranks and conspiracy theorists who use it.


Any limited academic reference prior to modern times would have been, in context, quite different to modern use - which is the context in which you are using it - where it is used to described a dictatorial, imposing and limiting plot that is apparently seeking to prescribe what we can and cannot think.

Of course, you know that this is the context that you used it in. You know that this is the context that cranks use it in.

But you are desperate to pretend that you are some sort of academic researcher, using it in an academic and historical context.

It's not working.

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