David Icke

mekonmcfc said:
i need to start reading more !!

although bluemoon is how i educate mysellf.. i just believe everything Damocles writes !!!

Whats his views on JFK

and wasnt Jim Morrison the Lizard King

Fuck reading just watch you tube vides, start off with Planet X and everything ties in nice and neatly.
allan harper said:
twinkletoes said:
allan harper said:

-- Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:34 pm --


Sounds like you're trying recruit me into some fascist party.

Kris Kristofferson?

He was never gonna win an oscar but made one or two good movies back in his day.

Whats Your point you're trying to make ?

It is said that Kris Kristofferson moonlights as a Vatican-Based Project Monarch Slave Runner. Project Monarch, is the bastard love-child of Projects MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE. Somewhere in its rich, nougaty center lies Kris Kristofferson.

David Icke considers Kristofferson part of an elite cabal of Satanic reptillian humanoids. As documented once by some blogger:

In 1999, [Icke] published a book entitled The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the world is controlled by a race of reptilian humanoids, known in ancient times as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent people are, in fact, descended from these “reptilian bloodlines,” including George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II and Kris Kristofferson. He has also added that these “reptilians” engage in human sacrifices, blood drinking, child molestation, and Satanism.

A frank discussion of this chilling hypothesis is available here. Further analysis can be mined, apparently, from something called The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society, by Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston. From what I can glean, The Brotherhood is either a book, a pamphlet…or a stand-alone Web page. While that’s not entirely clear, the authors’ account of someone named Cathy O’Brien, an alleged Kristofferson sex slave, has the inarguable ring of truth:

Names of leading slave handlers and CIA operatives include Kris Kristofferson (described by Cathy as a ‘Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner’), Boxcar Willie (who has abused Cathy’s daughter, Kelly, in three separate mental institutions) and Merle Haggard – whose song ‘Freedom Train’ is the code-word for this aspect of the mind-control plan. Project Monarch Slaves include the singer Barbara Mandrell and her sisters, who are also owned by Byrd, and Loretta Lynn who’s handler is Neo-Nazi paedophile and CIA operative, Ken Riley.

I dont think you know an awful lot about Mr Icke.
I personally take my philosophy from the great that is Bill Hicks than David Icke any day of the week.

no reptilians, moon men, spacecraft from alpha centurai nonsense by him. Simple comedy based on observed truths and told to the world, the sad thing is however when you compare his shows from say '91 (Gulf War, Wal Mart shoppers) you suddenly realise how little the world has changed for the better.

David Icke is all above divide & conquer, Bill Hicks was always the philanthropist who mastered comedy as a tool for uniting people.
twinkletoes said:
allan harper said:
twinkletoes said:
Kris Kristofferson?

He was never gonna win an oscar but made one or two good movies back in his day.

Whats Your point you're trying to make ?

It is said that Kris Kristofferson moonlights as a Vatican-Based Project Monarch Slave Runner. Project Monarch, is the bastard love-child of Projects MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE. Somewhere in its rich, nougaty center lies Kris Kristofferson.

David Icke considers Kristofferson part of an elite cabal of Satanic reptillian humanoids. As documented once by some blogger:

In 1999, [Icke] published a book entitled The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the world is controlled by a race of reptilian humanoids, known in ancient times as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent people are, in fact, descended from these “reptilian bloodlines,” including George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II and Kris Kristofferson. He has also added that these “reptilians” engage in human sacrifices, blood drinking, child molestation, and Satanism.

A frank discussion of this chilling hypothesis is available here. Further analysis can be mined, apparently, from something called The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society, by Ivan Fraser and Mark Beeston. From what I can glean, The Brotherhood is either a book, a pamphlet…or a stand-alone Web page. While that’s not entirely clear, the authors’ account of someone named Cathy O’Brien, an alleged Kristofferson sex slave, has the inarguable ring of truth:

Names of leading slave handlers and CIA operatives include Kris Kristofferson (described by Cathy as a ‘Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner’), Boxcar Willie (who has abused Cathy’s daughter, Kelly, in three separate mental institutions) and Merle Haggard – whose song ‘Freedom Train’ is the code-word for this aspect of the mind-control plan. Project Monarch Slaves include the singer Barbara Mandrell and her sisters, who are also owned by Byrd, and Loretta Lynn who’s handler is Neo-Nazi paedophile and CIA operative, Ken Riley.

I dont think you know an awful lot about Mr Icke.

I've seen his biggest secret DVD and it makes great viewing if you're into si-fi, i've even said on here he's a crackpot and don't believe all he says. My point of this thread was that I agreed with him about we are heading towards globalisation, a one world government. This thread headed in all directions because Reptilians got mentioned and one or two of us started to have a joke. I haven't even said anything about mind control yet or maybe I have.

Maybe you'd like to share with the watching audience your views, I have a sneaky feeling you're clued up on all this and may even have some itk info on the Brotherhood.
I dont believe in conspiracy theories but there are groups with vested interests that exert power over the rest of us in order to get their way.

I am fascinated with how Icke likes to mix up historical facts with his own psuedorealism to help to convince people his theories are true.

People like Icke help to distort the true nature of these groups and so make them seem irrelevant or actually untrue.
twinkletoes said:
I dont believe in conspiracy theories but there are groups with vested interests that exert power over the rest of us in order to get their way.

I am fascinated with how Icke likes to mix up historical facts with his own psuedorealism to help to convince people his theories are true.

People like Icke help to distort the true nature of these groups and so make them seem irrelevant or actually untrue.

I agree with your first paragraph and so does Icke but then he takesit just a little to far.
allan harper said:
twinkletoes said:
I dont believe in conspiracy theories but there are groups with vested interests that exert power over the rest of us in order to get their way.

I am fascinated with how Icke likes to mix up historical facts with his own psuedorealism to help to convince people his theories are true.

People like Icke help to distort the true nature of these groups and so make them seem irrelevant or actually untrue.

I agree with your first paragraph and so does Icke but then he takesit just a little to far.

A little too far!
twinkletoes said:
allan harper said:
twinkletoes said:
I dont believe in conspiracy theories but there are groups with vested interests that exert power over the rest of us in order to get their way.

I am fascinated with how Icke likes to mix up historical facts with his own psuedorealism to help to convince people his theories are true.

People like Icke help to distort the true nature of these groups and so make them seem irrelevant or actually untrue.

I agree with your first paragraph and so does Icke but then he takesit just a little to far.

A little too far!

His seminars are 8 hours long mate that's going a little too far ! Couple of hours would be efficient.

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