David Silva - 2016/17 performances

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Why did Pellegrini do so poorly with effectively the same team?
Don't forget that Pellegrini was off to the same start last season so don't judge too quickly!
There have been a few important new signings too this season, Gündogan & Stones the most important ones, but I don't think that's the reason for the early success. Will help City in the long run though.
As I said, I think it's mainly about making the most of the difference in quality. I strongly believe Pep is much better in making good use of his own team's strong points and limiting the damage coming from the weaker points. I'm confident this will allow him to achieve much more consistency in results than Pellegrini. But it remains to be seen of course!
Don't forget that Pellegrini was off to the same start last season so don't judge too quickly!
There have been a few important new signings too this season, Gündogan & Stones the most important ones, but I don't think that's the reason for the early success. Will help City in the long run though.
As I said, I think it's mainly about making the most of the difference in quality. I strongly believe Pep is much better in making good use of his own team's strong points and limiting the damage coming from the weaker points. I'm confident this will allow him to achieve much more consistency in results than Pellegrini. But it remains to be seen of course!

Moyes took over a title winning side, I don't recall him winning anything.
Moyes took over a title winning side, I don't recall him winning anything.
Yeah but to be fair to that guy, that United side was over and done with, an entire generation reached end point at the same time. Even Fergie wouldn't have pulled it off another year with them. He knew exactly when to stop. He probably still would've made top 4 though, again by consistency v smaller clubs.
As much as I agree Pep is a great tactical manager and will improve City massively, I don't think you should overestimate the influence of a manager either. The most obvious reason why City easily beat United last week is the fact that City have a much better squad. United is nowhere near us in terms of quality. A good manager, like Guardiola, will just make the most out of that difference in quality. But when you face a squad that is arguably better, a good manager is able to limit the damage at best. You can still nick the odd win, but it will be due to good fortune rather than smart tactics. Although good tactics will of course increase your odds, but you will still be far from favourites.
Just to say, you can let Brendan Rodgers, David Moyes or Gary f***** Neville manage this Barcelona side, and they will still be favourites to beat Pep's City. In the long run that Barcelona side would deteriorate of course, but it will take a long while and a huge screw-up to ruin that generation of players.
As for Busquets v Fernandinho. You're probably right that Fernandinho would easily fit into this fully functional Barcelona side, the other way around I do think a player like Busquets could still mean some improvement for City, but it may not be a very big difference no. The impact of one single player, as long as he's decent enough, will not be that big, good or bad, bar the attacking wonders of this world like Messi, or Ibrahimovic for PSG in the Micky Mouse league.
But just comparing the two players, the level of control and game intelligence that Busquets has I strongly believe is unmatched by any player worldwide in his position.

Mate, I like your posts and you seem to know your football. But, no offence, I'm afraid to say that bit in bold is one of the biggest loads of bollocks I have ever read on Bluemoon.

I've have been watching City for 30 odd years and I have never known one individual to have as big an impact in as short a space of time as Guardiola. No player or manager comes anywhere close. Last season we played at a snails pace, looked lethargic, out of ideas creatively and look horrendously vulnerable to counter attacks. In a few short weeks we are now playing at an infinitely higher tempo, we are dominating possession of the ball, creating a huge amount of chances, our movement is hypnotising teams and they have no idea how to deal with it, we look confident at the back and have never looked vulnerable to the counter attack.

Far from me "overestimating" what a manager can do, I don't think it can possibly be over stated what a huge impact this guy has had on the team. I don't know if you've watched too much of us in the last 18 months, but seriously the transformation from then until this season has been absolutely monumental. With the same core group of players with one or two added.

You think the reason we beat United is simply because we've got better players? I'm absolutely astonished by that. We've had better players than them for the past 2 seasons but they beat us at our own ground last season and dicked us 4-2 the season before and could have had a lot more. If Mourinho had our squad, do you think for one minute he would have played Silva and DeBruyne as his number 8s? Absolutely no chance. If Guardiola was managing them, do you think there is any way on gods green earth he would have played Pogba and Fellaini in a 2 man midfield? Absolutely no chance whatsoever. Of course having good players is important, but it's the way you use them that counts. You can have the quality of a £100m midfielder, but if you use him in the wrong way, he can look like he's worth fuck all.

The very top managers can be the difference between a good side and a brilliant one.

If you are comparing swapping Hughes for Moyes, Enrique for Brodge, I can understand your point, there probably won't be a huge impact. But swapping Pellegrini for Guardiola, seriously, I don't see he you can possibly hope for a bigger impact than that. We've gone from sending out our 11 biggest name players in a 4231, having no game plan, no shape, no motivation, just telling the starting 11 go out and play and hope our quality gets us through, to having a guy that spends hours upon hours analysing the opposition, finding every bit of space, exploiting every single weakness and coming up with a starting 11 and a game plan that gets the most out of our strengths and exploits our opponents every weakness. The players are fitter, more motivated than ever before, and only players of the highest technical ability and intelligence are deemed suitable for our style of play.

The guy is the best coach on the planet, possibly ever. It really cannot be "overestimated" how big an impact he is having on the team. It's the equivalent of swapping Navas for Messi.
Mate, I like your posts and you seem to know your football. But, no offence, I'm afraid to say that bit in bold is one of the biggest loads of bollocks I have ever read on Bluemoon.

I've have been watching City for 30 odd years and I have never known one individual to have as big an impact in as short a space of time as Guardiola. No player or manager comes anywhere close. Last season we played at a snails pace, looked lethargic, out of ideas creatively and look horrendously vulnerable to counter attacks. In a few short weeks we are now playing at an infinitely higher tempo, we are dominating possession of the ball, creating a huge amount of chances, our movement is hypnotising teams and they have no idea how to deal with it, we look confident at the back and have never looked vulnerable to the counter attack.

Far from me "overestimating" what a manager can do, I don't think it can possibly be over stated what a huge impact this guy has had on the team. I don't know if you've watched too much of us in the last 18 months, but seriously the transformation from then until this season has been absolutely monumental. With the same core group of players with one or two added.

You think the reason we beat United is simply because we've got better players? I'm absolutely astonished by that. We've had better players than them for the past 2 seasons but they beat us at our own ground last season and dicked us 4-2 the season before and could have had a lot more. If Mourinho had our squad, do you think for one minute he would have played Silva and DeBruyne as his number 8s? Absolutely no chance. If Guardiola was managing them, do you think there is any way on gods green earth he would have played Pogba and Fellaini in a 2 man midfield? Absolutely no chance whatsoever. Of course having good players is important, but it's the way you use them that counts. You can have the quality of a £100m midfielder, but if you use him in the wrong way, he can look like he's worth fuck all.

The very top managers can be the difference between a good side and a brilliant one.

If you are comparing swapping Hughes for Moyes, Enrique for Brodge, I can understand your point, there probably won't be a huge impact. But swapping Pellegrini for Guardiola, seriously, I don't see he you can possibly hope for a bigger impact than that. We've gone from sending out our 11 biggest name players in a 4231, having no game plan, no shape, no motivation, just telling the starting 11 go out and play and hope our quality gets us through, to having a guy that spends hours upon hours analysing the opposition, finding every bit of space, exploiting every single weakness and coming up with a starting 11 and a game plan that gets the most out of our strengths and exploits our opponents every weakness. The players are fitter, more motivated than ever before, and only players of the highest technical ability and intelligence are deemed suitable for our style of play.

The guy is the best coach on the planet, possibly ever. It really cannot be "overestimated" how big an impact he is having on the team. It's the equivalent of swapping Navas for Messi.
Let there be no doubt that I agree on Guardiola being a great manager and having a big impact on City. The set-up and general football played by the team looks incredibly promising, but I think we have to be cautious, because it's still very early days. As I said, Pellers also got off to a 5 out of 5 start in the PL last season (iirc, not looking it up), and everyone on the blue moon was convinced City would walk the league but things turned sour afterwards.
Not expecting the same thing to happen under Guardiola, as things do look a lot better, and the man & team just ooze confidence, but it's early days is all I'm saying. It's always quite hard to tell what part of the team's improvement is due to "honeymoon weeks" under a new coach, and what part is actually durable due to better management.
Let there be no doubt that I agree on Guardiola being a great manager and having a big impact on City. The set-up and general football played by the team looks incredibly promising, but I think we have to be cautious, because it's still very early days. As I said, Pellers also got off to a 5 out of 5 start in the PL last season (iirc, not looking it up), and everyone on the blue moon was convinced City would walk the league but things turned sour afterwards.
Not expecting the same thing to happen under Guardiola, as things do look a lot better, and the man & team just ooze confidence, but it's early days is all I'm saying. It's always quite hard to tell what part of the team's improvement is due to "honeymoon weeks" under a new coach, and what part is actually durable due to better management.

If you had no knowledge of football and you'd read the results in the newspaper, I could totally understand how you could compare the start of this season with the start of last season. But when you've been watching football closely for years and years, there really is no comparison between Guardiola and Pellegrini.

I was never convinced by Pellegrini from the moment he arrived. I actually used to get stick for it on a daily basis when results went well in his first season. But I thought he had no game plan, no structure to his team, made banal substitutions, played a suicidal offside trap with no midfield pressure on the ball, we were so easy to cut right through the middle of, and there was no plan B when things were going wrong. We won games and trophies in spite of Pellegrini, not because of him. The positive results were down to the individual brilliance of the players.

Contrast that to this season. There is a very clear structure to the team, a clear game plan. We are set up to play high, condense the play in the oppositions half, never be more than 10 yards from an opponent so if you lose it you can all close down together, defensively we mark the passing lines as opposed to the men meaning we can quickly intercept passes, we've had full backs slotting in to midfield to leave us less vulnerable to counter attacks through the middle, we've got a keeper who is comfortable 20 yards outside his box if need be to stop us being caught with a quick ball over the top. It's absolutely night and day compared to last season.

Last season I always thought we looked vulnerable to teams running through the middle of our midfield. We looked appalling when the back 4 was pressured on the ball. We were vulnerable to counter attacks. Our build up was often slow and predictable. I look at our team now and of course we won't win every game, but I look at it and think how do you beat us? It's very hard to out run us, it's very hard to out play us, it's very hard to catch us on the counter attack, our defenders are very comfortable under pressure, it would be hard to just knock it over the top against us. Whereas last season the reverse was true on all counts.

This season the only team I'm concerned about who might beat us is Liverpool because they probably will out run us and will adopt an insane press. That will be our biggest test. Everyone else I'm pretty confident we have the beating of. Last season I didn't go in to any game confident of winning, even at home. All a team had to do was put an extra man in midfield and hit us quickly when they won back possession.

It's far too simplistic to look at the first 5 games this season and first 5 last season and think they are comparable, maybe it will all go wrong again. Look at the bigger picture. Look at what Guardiola has achieved in his career, look at the improvements he's made to the team and to individuals already. I think you've completely underestimated the impact he's having.
So a good managed does make the world of difference.

I think management is changing. Pellegrini was a good manager and probably would do well at a different type of club. But at the very top end just being a good manager isn't enough. You have to have the force of will to take players on a journey with you and as importantly you have to have the personality to get them believing. Pep is in a league of his own on this front. His impact at City is fucking incredible. But this shouldn't absolve players from their own inherent laziness or lack of fight previously.

Reading back through the whole conversation I see the point you were making though. Fundamentally we have a much better manager and it's his effect we're seeing. I agree !
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