David Silva [Merged]

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twinkletoes said:

It says here that the deal is finalised and that Silva has agreed to join us.

what is the source? I could not open the file
twinkletoes said:

It says here that the deal is finalised and that Silva has agreed to join us.

Closed Silva, Mata falling
The deal with Manchester City for the transfer of the player canary is done and only need to formalize the transaction between the Barcelona and Mata but lack of agreement between clubs entente

Eleven of the league opener, will have little to do with the eleven kinds of last season. Progress made official David Villa, Nicola Zigic and Ruben Baraja, David Silva's farewell is imminent and Juan Mata is close. And that is, the poor economic situation in which the club is involved, is leading a frightened stars.
The transaction between the Valencia and Manchester City, as reported yesterday Levante-EMV, is now closed. And among the England team and the player canary. Thus, only the transfer officers to be missing, could be after the game against Chile. Valencia, for this march, paid 35 million euros while the player will play in the Premier over the next four years and shall receive annually about ten million euros-about 190,000 a week. However, the vice president Javier Gomez Valencia yesterday refused to deny the operation. "Yes, there has been interest from Manchester City, but has not reached any agreement, nor has talked about numbers," he said. "These operations take time because you can not close from one day to another," he acknowledged, however, the general director of external relations, Jordi Bruixola.
Valencia, according to the coordinator of the technical secretariat Braulio Vazquez has no plans to fill the gap that will Silva. It is possible that the output of the canary, leaves room for the arrival of Tino Costa, the player chosen to create the game in midfield. "8."

fuck that...same script...

This situation nothing change
if chelsea do put an offer in for silva we will know straight away as velencia will come out with a statement so if we dont hear anything no news is good news imo
Time and again Silva and his agent say hes not interested in going to City. He wont go anywhere without champions league and Its very doubtful he will leave Spain. It gets boring saying it but thats the facts on the ground unfortunately.

I just hope we are not in for another summer of wasteing time on imposible deals and being used as a stalking horse to get bigger fees and wages from other clubs.

Love him at city but without Champions league and with a long standing interst from Real it seems impossible to me :(
roughly translated

Eleven of the league opener, will have little to do with the eleven kinds of last season. Progress made official David Villa, Nicola Zigic and Ruben Baraja, David Silva's farewell is imminent and Juan Mata is close. And that is, the poor economic situation in which the club is involved, is leading a frightened stars.
The transaction between the Valencia and Manchester City, as reported yesterday Levante-EMV, is now closed. And among the England team and the player canary. Thus, only the transfer officers to be missing, could be after the game against Chile. The Valencia, on the march, paid 35 million euros while the player playing in the Premier over the next four years and shall receive each year about ten million euros-about 190,000 a week. However, the vice president Javier Gomez Valencia yesterday refused to deny the operation. "Yes, there has been interest from Manchester City, but has not reached any agreement, nor has talked about numbers," he said. "These operations take time because you can not close from one day to another," he acknowledged, however, the general director of external relations, Jordi Bruixola.
Valencia, according to the coordinator of the technical secretariat Braulio Vazquez has no plans to fill the gap that will Silva. It is possible that the output of the canary, leaves room for the arrival of Tino Costa, the player chosen to create the game in midfield. "8."

Questions about Mata
Guardiola is committed to signing Juan Mata is nothing new. Sandro Rosell, a candidate for the presidency of Barcelona, reached a preliminary agreement with Burgos, either. And that Valencia has been priced at 25 million soccer player, either. However, the surprise comes when the Tuesday, at twelve o'clock, the program the first touch of Onda Cero announced the transfer of the player. News yesterday, both the club and the player's agent was quick to deny publicly. "There is no agreement and no negotiation by Juan Mata with any club. It's not that we traded to Kill, there is absolutely no discussions with any team," says Javier Gomez. Asked whether Valencia would be willing to transfer the player for 20 million euros, said "we will not get into those ratings," but added that "in the Valencia will look at offers for all players, but for no Mata nothing at all. " However, in private, in the Valencia acknowledge the interest shown by Barcelona, but insist that the team that presides Rosell has not submitted any bid.
The speech by the representative of the player is similar. Juan Mata, father, confirms the interest and that there have been talks, but says they must first reach an agreement between the clubs because the player has a contract in force. According Onda Cero, the agreement is for the next five seasons and with a payment to the entity Barca 20 million euros.
What do you think Juan Mata? The player, upset with the information published, said he still played for Valencia and the only thing I think is in the third game of the first phase of the World Cup against Chile, where the Spanish national team will play qualification for the round. "I am a Valencia player, I know there have been rumors, but I know nothing, I am calm in the selection, enjoying the World Cup and thinking only in Chile," said Sports laSexta told Europa Press that gathered.
The player said he lives "normally" the speculation about his future next year. "I think being here is something too important to be thinking about other things and so my only thought is Chile," he said Mata, who debuted at the World Cup against Honduras.
Andres Iniesta, meanwhile, highly valued the hypothetical arrival at Barcelona because Mata said, "the team will give a qualitative leap." "In Valencia has had a spectacular performance. Right now is one of the most desirable players or a higher level," said Iniesta in the concentration of the Spanish team.
I just translated the article for people to read let everyone take it as they see fit. I for one wont believe it till he is at eastlands holding his shirt up at the side of Bobby Manc.

I really think he and his agent are dangling carrots for Chelsea. Once they bite we can wave bye bye
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