David Silva [Merged]

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Cleggy09 said:
I just translated the article for people to read let everyone take it as they see fit. I for one wont believe it till he is at eastlands holding his shirt up at the side of Bobby Manc.

I really think he and his agent are dangling carrots for Chelsea. Once they bite we can wave bye bye
Spot on. One day we will be doing the biting.
this levante publication seems to be a local media around the valencia region so wheather they have better knowledge of the team than anyone else remains to be seen fingers crossed though
Goal.com is nearly as bad as caughtoffside to be fair but a player of his quality will have clubs sniffing and nobody really knows who when or how until its all done and dusted lets wait and see.

If we do pull this off it would be a real statement and I wouldnt be surprised if Torres didnt follow. I think one is the key to the other.
Lets put things into perspective over Silvas imminent signing,or not as it appears to be at the moment.
Until Silva has spoken to City,assuming he DOES,then its all bollocks as to what the media spout,whether it be UK or Spanish gossip.
His Agent is the only person who appears to be saying his client only wants to join Chelsea,although an apparent report last week from the Player himself, suggests that he would be interested in CFC.
We now hear from his Agent that Club number 3 are also interested.
According to Valencia and I have NO doubts that this is true,we have NOT made an official bid,only asking permission to talk to him at this stage.
All is pure speculation at the moment and until it arrives on the City Official Website then I think all that we read and hear for the time being should be shoved to one side.
Amen !!
i smell another Robinho with this one,this guy is just too small for the prem,he will get bullied week in week out,stay clear IMO
<a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.superdeporte.es/valencia/&ei=PTgjTLiZOZDQjAeD950j&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CC0Q7gEwAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsuper%2Bdeporte%26hl%3Den" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://translate.google.co.uk/translate ... %26hl%3Den</a>
Superdeporte saying he wants to come and will be done in the next couple of days!
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