David Silva

I know a lot of people think that all our foreign players should speak perfect English and conduct all their interviews in English, but I couldn't agree less. I can barely watch when an interview is in English but the interviewee clearly only has a vague idea what's been asked and his answer is his best attempt to convey his feelings using a 100 word vocabulary. So I was delighted to that see David's interview after today's game was in Spanish. I'm sure his English is good enough to get by at the shops and communicate with his team-mates, but being interviewed is a different thing entirely - especially when the interviewers ask questions in ridiculously convoluted ways, or use idioms that someone new to English wouldn't have the foggiest about (like "wouldn't have the foggiest about"). If I'm watching an interview, I want to hear more than "I very happy", so well done CityTV and keep it up.
CaliforniaBlue said:
I know a lot of people think that all our foreign players should speak perfect English and conduct all their interviews in English, but I couldn't agree less. I can barely watch when an interview is in English but the interviewee clearly only has a vague idea what's been asked and his answer is his best attempt to convey his feelings using a 100 word vocabulary. So I was delighted to that see David's interview after today's game was in Spanish. I'm sure his English is good enough to get by at the shops and communicate with his team-mates, but being interviewed is a different thing entirely - especially when the interviewers ask questions in ridiculously convoluted ways, or use idioms that someone new to English wouldn't have the foggiest about (like "wouldn't have the foggiest about"). If I'm watching an interview, I want to hear more than "I very happy", so well done CityTV and keep it up.

This! You are completely right! But if the player has the courage to do it in English (Fernandinho), then i am all aboard too!
I couldn't give a toss whether they can speak engerlish or not
they do their talking on the pitch
bit late for the league to start worrying about foreigners fpmsl
Just on here to say, that if I am ever fortunate enough to witness a better player in blue than silva, I suspect I'll have died and gone to heaven.

The guy is a joy to behold. If ozil had played like that today, the media wankfest would have gone on for years.

We are truly blessed
Getting a bit embarrassing now we still don't have a song. I hope he understands why.
roj said:
Getting a bit embarrassing now we still don't have a song. I hope he understands why.


Dinho Dinho Dinho Dinho oh oh oh Dinho
Remember when we were all saying he's the best midfielder on the planet after the barca duo? I think he's trying to remind us of that this season :D
He didn't look happy when subbed or in tunnel cam :(

I don't think he get's the appreciation he deserves. In my eyes, he is the best player in this league by quite a margin. Infact, I don't see a player in world football that looks as comfortable with the ball at his feet as him.
Manchester_lalala said:
MillionDollarDream said:
Should we put Silva in the middle again on Saturday? Have Nasri/Silva/Navas and sacrifice a ST, or Keep 2 up top ride Silva's momentum and have either Nasri/Navas on the bench?

I thought that today. Arsenal will kill us with just 2 in the middle. I'd sacrifice the beast for silva. Silva, nasri, navas and aguero with yaya behind with dinho protecting the defence. Arsenal won't be able to handle us with play that team. Pelle will defintley go for 442 though, which I'm a tad worried about.

Really ?!?

Lol if we could tell the end from the beginning !

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