De Bruyne?

I have no problem with any of that & as far as I can see, we have been signing better players & are continuing to do so. I'm all for spending money on top players.

It's the suggestion that because the Sheikh is loaded, we should expect City to pay over the odds, because he can afford it, that I was arguing against.

If the Sheikh & the club ae happy to pay out 300 mil, inside the budget, I don't give a fuck, great. But we have no right to expect the Sheikh to fund it if we are short, & he can't do anyway, because of ffp.

Even if he is allowed to in the future, I don't want to see a day where City fans are demanding he puts his hand in his pocket 'because we just need to pay that bit extra'.

It feels to me like that attitude is creeping in here & there & that isn't what City are about imo, & if it becomes like that, I don't want it.

If he wants to spend extra then fine, but no way should anyone ever expect it as our entitlement.

Can't agree more. I guess it's the generation that hasn't lived through the dark days that expecting to be paid whatever the sellers ask for. Than again in today's football market fees are beyond stupid and we didn't create it.
That would be over €70,000,000. They would be able to buy 3 good players for that. If Allofs is stupid enough to want to sell to Bayern he won't be getting any thing like that fee. They've just signed Vidal for €35m, they'd probably want De Bruyne for €20m.
I think there's a lot wishful thinking about good intentions and of the player wanting to come to City that much and also people wanting us to sign him so bad they are in some sort of denial about whats really happening(some interpretations are quite bizarre to me).

Just some of the things people seem to be ignoring are:

Not only is he not putting in a transfer request to help speed things along(some people clinging the idea that it's because of a bonus, when he's due a nice signing on fee and improved contract anyway.. wouldnt be a good sign even if true imo), he hasn't even said he likes City never mind that wants to come and play for us(no positive messages at all just some vague over done press talk that everyone rolls out when asked about moving clubs). In fact Hecking has again said the player doesn't want to leave in a press conference today.

Wolfsburg want a better deal, yet they have shown very little respect towards us in fact it could be said the people involved have taken thinly veiled snipes at us in the media, yet we still have people talking about being respectful to their club in the way we are letting this drag on.

I could go on about people defending the fee because of the one time player of the year award, this is the first time he's managed it and people are trying to justify it by comparing him to Messi, Ronaldo and Bale. £47m fair enough you can sort of go in some way to justify that after a great season, beyond that... you're avin a laugh. Or people trying to make out it doesn't matter when the clubs name is dragged through the dirt in the press. Just as long as we get the players in everyone will respect us they say to themselves, I for one don't want the club seen as a Real Madrid wannabe.

Might be a negative post but this has been even worse than the Sterling transfer which was bad enough on its own and the press are still going on about that, I've never known a transfer window like this it's supposed to be a time for optimism but it's been marred by frustration and tediousness.

I recon you should probably call it a day.

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