De Bruyne?

Pfft, @-nibz- scoffs at that gif

This is shaping up to be an exceptional window. Exciting times ahead.
The feeling after the chelsea match, the news of imminent signings kind of took me back to when we got Howard kendall as manager and we signed Clive Allen.
Proper feel good factor that I've not felt for ages, everything seemed to fall into place, that feeling you get in your stomach.
Fuckin love this club, good or bad, shit or bust, win or lose.
The feeling after the chelsea match, the news of imminent signings kind of took me back to when we got Howard kendall as manager and we signed Clive Allen.
Proper feel good factor that I've not felt for ages, everything seemed to fall into place, that feeling you get in your stomach.
Fuckin love this club, good or bad, shit or bust, win or lose.

As good as that feeling probably was for you, lets hope what follows is marginally better!
I'll be happy as Larry if this happens, feel sorry for De Bruyne as I think they tried to make him look a tit last night and you can tell he's a nervous sort of guy just from looking at him when the cameras are on him. A bit like my albino ferret tbh!

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