De Bruyne?

Meaning no disrespect to LoveCity (whose twatter feed I have more or less permanently open in a browser window all year long) or anyone else, but I do not get on any level this notion of "oh he would surely rather go to Bayern if them or us."

Horsefeathers. ALREADY City are a bigger club in everything other than 'istree and "number of glory hunters in the Teutonic world."

That isn't Mr. Blue-tinted specs talking either. That's Forbes, Deloitte, whomever else that quantifies brand valuation. So many lists and maybe they are ahead of us on one or two but not for long going forward. I believe even the revenue generated already by City exceeds theirs.

The English Premier League is the PREMIER entity of world sport. It is now and will be even more so going forward. This game is played on so many levels - endorsements, image rights, every other damned thing. At City you have a worldwide organisation devoted to building you up as a global superstar. Backed by almost limitless resources. Bayern are big but they are never going to have that. End of.

If I'm De Bruyne's agent I know where the bread is to be buttered now. And next year. And the year after, And the year after that. Is it a coincidence that people like Aguero and Silva immediately rubbish the crap media talk of them going to play in Spain every year? Is it a coincidence that all of our players more or less happily re-up their contracts here so they can be a part of all of this? Well not Milner, but good riddance. Sorry Milner fans, but no fucking where near good enough and never was. Club already looks loads better without having to try to placate him with a start every other week or so. But I digress.

I don't personally know any of the people involved and maybe there is some personal appeal to De Bruyne of living in Bavaria. That I'd understand, as it really is a lovely place.
I like your style.
Aguero and Silva are two pre eminent footballers on the wold stage and are thriving and loving playing for our club. Boyhood dreams is nonsensical, desperate crap spouted by rivals but top level footballers see through the chaff and will join a club that meets their aspirations. And will then grow to love the club.
But as a business decision? Business I do know. So fuck no, fuckety fuck no, and fuck no a million times more. He isn't going there if that's the basis for decision.

Rant over. Enjoy the moment that you get the e-mail from City confirming his signing, all.
I liked RvS's post. I tried to reply accordingly but I'm a thick **** with computers.
Aguero and Silva are two pre eminent footballers of the world stage and are thriving and loving playing for our club. Boyhood dreams is nonsensical, desperate claptrap spouted by rivals but top level footballers see through the chaff and will join a club that meets their aspirations. And then they'll love the club.
Just for your information: these "Bayern could hijack" article from BILD is a "BILD plus" article.

BILD plus are articles you have to pay for. As you all can imagine, no newspaper can afford to ask for money for serious information. BILD+ articles are 99% crap, it's more show than real news.
That's just stupid. No player we've signed recently particularly cares about a new club they have no attachment to, in a foreign country some of them have never set foot in.

If de Bruyne is getting offers from one of the 3 best teams in the world and he actually chooses us than we should be fucking ecstatic.

If we wanted to sign players who were over the moon to get offers from us and didn't have other competing offers, we could just buy Scott fucking Sinclair again.

And if we are chasing players that teams like Bayern want, it means we are signing players who will help us get to that level.

The worst thing about comments like yours are that we all know when he gets here and bangs in a few goals, you'll all instantly change your mind.

I understand all your points. It's just something that leaves a sour taste in my throat.

There is much of difference between our previous signings and this one. We've put so much effort into getting him; this has been an entire summer pursuit. So, at this stage, after putting so much into him (ready to break our club transfer record for him), seeing him not made public his desire to come to us and now flirting with Bayern doesn't sit well with me. You could just imagine him having one good season here and flirting with other clubs again.

Your last point is invalid. My grievance is regarding this whole saga and KDB's role in it. If he chooses to come here, I will base him on his performances and commitment on the field. This, however, to me hasn't been the ideal start to a potential City career for me.
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Aguero, Silva and Yaya would probably have preferred to move to other clubs too (Aguero - Real Madrid, but not possible), but they have given us everything. These are professionals, many of them don't go to their preferred clubs but work their arses off. KDB is a good professional too and will give 100% if he joins us.

World of difference, my friend. Neither Aguero, Silva and Toure were flirting with other clubs, willing to take pay cuts, at the end of a three month pursuit. Look at when we completed those deals and look at this. I don't recall Aguero or Silva being 'hesitant' about coming here. They saw how much we wanted them and the rest is history. Now you see their loyalty every year when they rubbish talk of a move to Spain and sign new deals. How do you think KDB would handle the situation if Bayern came in for him next summer while he was playing for us? I could envision him trying to engineer a move out. He just doesn't strike me as someone who wants to particularly be here and being willing to take a pay cut to go to Bayern just feels like a slap in the face at this stage.
World of difference, my friend. Neither Aguero, Silva and Toure were flirting with other clubs, willing to take pay cuts, at the end of a three month pursuit. Look at when we completed those deals and look at this. I don't recall Aguero or Silva being 'hesitant' about coming here. They saw how much we wanted them and the rest is history. Now you see their loyalty every year when they rubbish talk of a move to Spain and sign new deals. How do you think KDB would handle the situation if Bayern came in for him next summer while he was playing for us? I could envision him trying to engineer a move out. He just doesn't strike me as someone who wants to particularly be here and being willing to take a pay cut to go to Bayern just feels like a slap in the face at this stage.
Who says that's true about being willing to take a pay cut to go to the German rags. It sounds like horseshit.
Hopefully it's not but, if true, seriously infuriates me.
I am not concerned. Footballers don't do pay cuts, any more than the rest of us would. This feels like Wolfsburg buggering about like pricks. I predict a medical within 48 hours and then I will claim ITK status.
Meaning no disrespect to LoveCity (whose twatter feed I have more or less permanently open in a browser window all year long) or anyone else, but I do not get on any level this notion of "oh he would surely rather go to Bayern if them or us."

Horsefeathers. ALREADY City are a bigger club in everything other than 'istree and "number of glory hunters in the Teutonic world."

That isn't Mr. Blue-tinted specs talking either. That's Forbes, Deloitte, whomever else that quantifies brand valuation. So many lists and maybe they are ahead of us on one or two but not for long going forward. I believe even the revenue generated already by City exceeds theirs.

The English Premier League is the PREMIER entity of world sport. It is now and will be even more so going forward. This game is played on so many levels - endorsements, image rights, every other damned thing. At City you have a worldwide organisation devoted to building you up as a global superstar. Backed by almost limitless resources. Bayern are big but they are never going to have that. End of.

If I'm De Bruyne's agent I know where the bread is to be buttered now. And next year. And the year after, And the year after that. Is it a coincidence that people like Aguero and Silva immediately rubbish the crap media talk of them going to play in Spain every year? Is it a coincidence that all of our players more or less happily re-up their contracts here so they can be a part of all of this? Well not Milner, but good riddance. Sorry Milner fans, but no fucking where near good enough and never was. Club already looks loads better without having to try to placate him with a start every other week or so. But I digress.

I don't personally know any of the people involved and maybe there is some personal appeal to De Bruyne of living in Bavaria. That I'd understand, as it really is a lovely place.

But as a business decision? Business I do know. So fuck no, fuckety fuck no, and fuck no a million times more. He isn't going there if that's the basis for decision.

Rant over. Enjoy the moment that you get the e-mail from City confirming his signing, all.
Hats off, that's a quality post and sums things up perfectly, nice one!

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