De Bruyne?

I can see we're going to have a fine flappity day in here today....

anon has woken up and spouting stuff, true or otherwise, and the Bayern itch is looking like it just can't be scratched
They had our very own Trevor Sinclair on last night. And (I've just said this in another thread) Danny Murphy is on sometimes and I think he's a City fan (can tell, he smiles when he talk about us and is pro-City).

I chatted to him on a train to Preston about a year ago. He follows all the teams he used to play for QPR, West Ham and City but he did support City as a boy so City are his first love. As such when the chance came to play for City he jumped at it.
If we can't get De Bruyne I can see a deadline day bid for Barkley


Might as well say "If we can't get De Bruyne I can see a deadline day bid for Lloris."

Barkley can't do shit out wide, that's the main reason he had an awful season last year.
Totally relaxed on this deal. The way we're playing shows me that this is a "nice to have" and not a "need to have" deal. If it falls through, that's £50m towards our next deal and, at that sort money, the football world is our oyster. What's more, something in my brain keeps whispering "remember Rodney Marsh". Equally, I have complete faith in our management team so if they think he's worth it and moves us up a level, then all well and good.

Exactly right
When these types of deals run and run you always run the risk of an eleventh hour hijacking.
I still think Wolfsburg are looking for his replacement and KGB is too nice to start chucking toys about and spitting dummies everywhere. You can see the lad's heart hasn't been in it during recent games.
No I didn't silly, re read what I said.

We're not shopping at Netto, we're at Selfridges. Big clubs make big calls, if the fee is on the high side, and City feel it is right, it will get done regardless of a few mil.r

I was clearly being facetious about Martin Philips etc but that's the impression you're giving off.

We don't hold the purse strings and this fella will help us succeed in the CL. Maybe this isn't something you want to do?


Sybil Fawlty, specialised subject; The Bleeding Obvious. At the moment though we haven't, and that's the point I was trying to make. Whilst we might ultimately decide to pay the original asking price, simply bowling in and doing so at the outset is not the way to go about things and nor is it the hallmark of a big club. And your last sentence is too idiotic for words

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