De Bruyne?

One of the best I've ever heard from a United fan came recently from a Rag I've known for years. He was going off on our recent acquisitions and our money and on and on..... I said to him that we were bound to get some financial solvency and some luck sometime. "What's wrong with that?" I also pointed out to him that at what point the club had suffered in the third division.

"There's nothing wrong with that," he said. "You were just at your real level." Ouch.

What a desperate thing to say. How can our "real level" be one that we only accrued for 1 year out of 136? Which equates to 0.7% of our existance.
I've been to a few United games. Being from Salford, it's no surprise that most of my friends are reds, so I occasionally got brought along when somebody couldn't make it.
I have never known as fanbase that sings so much about clubs other than their own. City this, Liverpool that. It's almost touching.
I know it's off subject but whilst we are discussing. The one song that they sang to us constantly when we were on our arses which I think we should now sing back to them exactly the same is the "Rupert the bear" theme tune.

"City, Manchester city, nobody knows our name "

it would piss them off no end and also embrace our self bebrecating humour.
That'd be brilliant but wait till we win the CL and we've got 659 million fans from London to Singapore.
when are we going to walk away?
If it was up to some of these fannys in here we would have walked onto Inverness by now

Come on city fuck em all
I don't give a toss how much it costs I want us to be the best and if Kdb is part of who we need to get us there ,then which city fan really dose give 2 shits on money?
City manchester city we are the boys who are playing to win

City manchester city nobody knows ur name

It's a spin from that song every fucker knows that Surley
Apparently not. Only ever heard them sing the second line you typed there and to me, as I said, it always sounded exactly like the Rupert tune to me and never once did it remind me of Boys in Blue.

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